The New Voice
The Swallows
Half an hour before boarding our flight from Nepal I told Diego that I was expecting to meet someone whom I could speak in English, some international friends that usually one makes when your travelling worldwide. Half an hour later I was sitting next to Jamee. Jamee was our age, and she had been travelling alone for a few weeks through India and Nepal. She was going to Beijing for some family business related to vineyards in California. I told her I was supposed to go to California (at that time I had no idea if we´d reach Europe). When I said Mount Shasta, she said she knew it and offered herself to take us there by plane. She had studied to be a pilot six years before, and she said that, if the dates were coincident, she could easily take us up to the mountain. Without knowing it, she co-created a phrase in my address-book when she wrote her email: Jamee, the girl who will take you by plane to Mount Shasta.
When we discussed this event on Facebook, we got an email from Pablo Almazan commenting on a story that he discovered on his trip to Sierra de la Ventana, in the South of Argentina, place where a dream told me I should go...
This story was about the Swallows. On the same days of his trip was our encounter with Jamee, which we wrote on the blog and that Pablo had read it. During his discoveries in the south, when they were returning to the cottage, he described the following:
"...When we were returning, I wanted to take a photo of the monument at the entrance of Villa Ventana that had already caught my attention when I saw it on the Internet: the image of the planet Earth with America´s profile hanging from an arm with the figure of four swallows on its other side. When we approached to take some pictures we could see that the metal of which the monument was done showed two holes that were giving another surprise. (I want to clarify that as I write this, my eyes are filled with tears again) A hole was made in the city of San Juan de Capistrano, in California, USA and the other one in Buenos Aires. The Swallows (4) symbolize the journey from North to South, Harwitum..."
When he saw this, he immediately wrote an email: Jamee for him was a swallow, indicating something important. We took his writing almost as a kind of prophecy, but the meeting with her seemed to be very distant...
The date of the visit to California was approaching when suddenly, Jamee reappeared. The offer was still on board. She would be the one to take me in a light aircraft to Mount Shasta. Suddenly, and in a moment, I went from the Hopi desert to one of California's wealthiest areas: Napa Valley.
There, the great vineyards of North America are concentrated and their families live in large houses and mansions, some of them since 1900. It was a completely different reality but, as everywhere else, with people willing to collaborate with the Plan.
After a concert session at sunset in the garden of one of the most prestigious vineyards in the region, in which the main guest on the stage was the group Plain White T (which I didn´t have the remotest idea of who they were... but apparently my friends did...), next day early in the morning we went to Santa Rosa Airport to fly to the Sacred Mountain. But on leaving the house in the morning, with the daylight, I could recognize something that gave me goose bumps.
Many things decorate the beautiful Californian mountain environment, but among all these things, just in front of the door of her own house yards, a statue caught my full attention. The iron statue represented a girl, a young woman on real size, feeding Three Birds, three doves in flight, in a circle around her.
The girl of the three doves. The swallows that fly from California, in the conscience or territory of the Spirit of the Great Father to the womb of the New Mother in the south of the Argentina, they he were there, and Jamee, without knowing it, was a key.
The universe never leaves a loose end when it is about flowing with the Plan, we only have to let ourselves be carried by the plan and be surprised by its development on the road. How could it be then possible to find a girl in the middle of China, who offers herself to take us to Shasta, the mountain of the North American voice, the continent that received us with the Three Sacred Doves, and that the same ones were just on the door of her house, flying around her!
It's simply fiction or an elaborated universal design. We flew together from Napa Valley to the North, crossing the Sacramento Valley to the border with the State of Oregon, where at the end of the great Californian plain we began to see the giant snowy mount, unique in the region.
Mount Shasta was impressively waiting for us. Reaching this mountain in this way is perhaps one of the best ways to receive the energy of a very special place. Jamee flew over Shasta, surrounding it completely, watching its rocks, snow and glaciers beneath our feet. Before descending, Jamee was surprised and rotated the plane in circles telling me to look at the ground. There, in a clear space between the high forests of Shasta, there were some figures made with rocks. Circles and six-pointed David stars, interconnected, something that only could be seen from those heights in a very roomy space. A large triangle was plotted on the floor. Jamee had seen something that would give us the keys to understand the secrets of Shasta.
The Quartzes of the World
A few weeks before, I had no idea of what I should do in Shasta, until Edward appeared in Finisterre
On June 10th, in Galicia, the energy of the world hit me hard, the same happened to Diego and perhaps to many of the people who came to the End of the Lands.
Ara Solis showed its more powerful face: the Death. Death in the inner side indicated the transformation, was announcing a breakage to us, and we both felt destroyed inside by the processes that were crashing between the external and the internal.
That’s why, on the day of the meeting, Diego and I were so weak, exhausted and experiencing such strong internal processes. None could really do what we had gone to, or, at least, what we had forecasted to do... However, the slogan was that each one should get there carrying what she/he knew that should provide. Thus, everything that was supposed to do would be done.
The night of the bonfire, I´ve been told that my words were certain. Neither me, nor Diego or anyone else is essential for the Plan. The Universal Plan always has replacements; the Plan always knows what it does and how to sort it. If we are not well, appears who should actually do the work. That night, the energy should be carried from the Heart to the Voice, North America, and precisely an American had arrived to make this step, creating from nowhere a beautiful ceremony, taking control over the fire on the beach, along with Sergio, to direct the energy to the North American force.
Edward gave me answers and evidence related to things we did throughout the world and we didn't still know why. He came from California, and specifically, lives in these days at Mount Shasta.
Just some days before my arrival to San Francisco, he had returned from Spain to Los Angeles, and would wait for me in the mountains to sleep at its feet.
Edward has been travelling around the world since August 1987, my birth month, 25 years ago, year and month of the famous "Harmonic Convergence". In that month of 1987, hundreds of people in various parts of the world gathered to meditate to receive the new energy of Harmony, which was aligned from the Centre of the Galaxy with the Earth. And since that time, he felt the call to start moving, seeding crystals on the planet.
The quartzes are minerals capable of recording information such as a Pen Drive, or a computer, but in different ways.
The same computers we use, and much of the technology we possess, is made of the components of minerals such as quartz and silicon, which confirms why in antiquity and in the universe, the crystals have been the transmitters of cosmic and planetary information. In Finisterre, Edward gave me one of these quartzes, and, from that moment, I could never take it away from my pocket. The information seemed to run through it, helping me in the adaptation to the patterns of each land visited. And there was Edward, waiting for us at the small airport of Weed, 6 miles north from Shasta. He lives in his truck, in which we would do the tour of the mountain. Jamee would return for me in two days, and, with Edward, we would go to the forest where he had chosen a place from where we could see the mountain. There we camped and lighted a fire.
During that day, Edward had been telling me stories, so many that I can´t summarize them in this small text. What I am most interested in sharing are the stories or topics related to my presence there. Mount Shasta was a sacred place, known today as the communication centre of the Intraterrestrials of a city called Thelos. Thousands and thousands of years before Atlantis become a great empire, the Pacific Ocean had already one of the world´s great civilizations. It wasn´t a very Human civilization, but adopted several human nomadic groups in its subtle society. This Empire of peace was, according to my memories, called Yomíom, but all today knows it as Lemuria or Mu.
Lemuria comes from the root Lemur, as it was called the island of Madagascar, where those famous long-tailed animals are native. The Lemur Empire spread through the Indian Ocean to this African island, and that´s why its name originates with these animals, which were related to the people of that strange kingdom. Lemuria was custodian of the Australian aboriginal natives, and stated the bases for the cultures of the Pacific, as the Waitaha of New Zealand, the Anangu of Australia, the originals from Japan and Taiwan, the people of the Taklamakan, Rapa Nui, Sun Doors in Titicaca, central Amazonia, and peoples of the North and the desert, such as the Hopi, among several native Americans.
Lemuria covered all the regions of the Pacific, connecting their traditions and helping them to maintain their connection with the Earth, while Atlantis kept the connection with the stars.
When times changed and ended one of the great galactic cycles, the Earth began to change and originated the great migrations. The Lemurianos knew they faced their end, and decided to leave the surface. Someones left the planet, others could mixed themselves with some humans, but others left their knowledge to those who would now remain on the surface, telling them that they would be under the Earth taking care of them until the time of their return. Several Lemurian cities were created in different dimensional levels, among them, one of the most important was Thelos.
Very few persons knew about this city, but it began to become known after the world wars, since when both occurred, the veils of the Earth began to vibrate and became flexible; so the intraterrestrial cities could call the people to remind them the knowledge that they once transmitted. Thus, around the 1940s, a very few people were attracted to this ancient mountain sacred to the aboriginal people, knowing that there was a voice waiting there to communicate to the world.
One of the first people to arrive, even when there were no roads, was mother Mary. She was a woman from Los Angeles that before World War II began to hear and channel, and, among so many messages, to live in Mount Shasta was one of them. Mother Mary lived for decades in the mountains, and year after year became known for her ability to channel information at the mountain. Edward led me to the site where used to camp this wise old woman. It is still remaining a circle of stones where the fire was, and a clear in the forest with a circle shape. He told me that she used to sit in a high chair, and several people came to the mountain, sat around her, and asked her about life, the universe, or their personal problems. She used to say the same thing when someone was worried: Let it be! Let it be!
Edward told me the fascinating part of this story. In the ' 60s, Mother Mary was able to visit the India, and there a guru told her that, in the near future, her name would be famous, and thousands of people will pronounce it. She laughed and denied this fact.
But in those years, two young british men who were becoming famous, arrived for the first time to the United States. They were going through internal problems with the musical group, and asked for spiritual help. Someone in Los Angeles told them about Mother Mary, and they decided to travel to Mount Shasta forests and meet her.
These two young men were Paul McCartney and John Lennon. When they came to Mary and told her their problems, she told them much about their future and reality, but above all she told them something that would mark their lives: Let it be... Let it Be! Let it be!
Without knowing it, Mary, after her death, became famous through the song that John and Paul wrote honouring her wisdom...
Song lyrics
When i find myself in times of trouble,
Mother Mary comes to me
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
and in my hour of darkness
she is standing right in front of me
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
whisper words of wisdom, let it be
And when the broken hearted people
living in the world agree
there will be an answer, let it be
for though they may be parted,
there is still a chance that they will see
there will be an answer, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
there will be an answer, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
whisper words of wisdom, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
whisper words of wisdom, let it be
And when the night is cloudy there is still a light
that shines on me
shine until tomorrow, let it be
i wake up to the sound of music,
Mother Mary comforts me
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
there will be an answer, let it be
let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be
whisper words of wisdom, let it be
The Shasta energy travelled through the world with the message of simply Let be. That message was the same that remembered us the Compassion and Forgiveness... to let be, is not to turn our backs on the facts, is not to avoid taking charge, it had to do with release, to continue, looking forward the things to come and the things we will do. The message was already around the world thanks to Mother Mary, it should only become conscious.
On the other hand, at the beginning of the 20th century, another person came to the forests of Shasta, a person who would make this mountain famous and a focus of a new Transmutation Wisdom.
Guy Ballard, walking by the side of the mountain, found a source of water that arose
between volcanic sands. He wanted to drink the fresh water, but when he approached, a black panther appeared. He was paralysed, with fear, not knowing what to do, but soon, the panther would change his life.
The same panther was transformed into a man, a sage. His name was Saint Germain, an old sage who had brought his wisdom through several lives, between Eastern and Western Europe, but this time appeared in Mount Shasta as a spokesperson for the Intraterrestrial Government led by the voice of Adama, who chairs Thelos.
Saint Germain began to teach this man several knowledges about antiquity and the new frequency, telling him that times were changing, and it was time to carry the message so that all can be aligned in the new energy.This new energy was the Transmutation one, and Saint Germain named it: the Violet Flame.
Since then, the wisdom of Shasta wrapped the New Age movement where the knowledge of sacred geometry, the Higher Self patterns, the alignment of galaxies, planetary change, everything was explained by this History sage.
A new voice was coming out from there, and it was clear that this was what attracted me to the mountain.
The Canarian message
In the month of February, when we did our trip to Canary Islands to connect with the energies of the planet, we recognized the Great Canary as the island representing the energy of North America. Among the things we've been recognizing, the message of the cave was the one I am most interested in recognize here. When we were looking for the highest point of the island, we went to a huge cave, where we were told a message. A female voice spoke in English from the energy of Thelos welcoming the travellers. She gave us a key:
"This is the time in which the message changes its voice for a new one." "English has been the one the Earth chose to communicate the knowledge to the World, but is time to remember it from the voice of the Heart: Spanish will speak, and everybody will listen!"
On the island, we were told that Shasta would pass the torch of the World's Voice, the English, to the Spanish of South America, the Latin.
This reminded me to what Roy as Edward mentioned: when the Inquisition came to the Americas and the knowledge and prophecies of the natives were banned by the Church, the aborigines of the three Americas kept alive the memory of the greatest knowledge in the form of tales that Europeans couldn´t understand. Soon between the same natives that meaning was lost and confused, but it was important to remember what that story meant.
The history of the Eagle and the Condor. Aboriginal prophecy says that the Eagle of North America and the Condor of South America will join, and only when they unite, peace will reign in mankind.
But it doesn´t refer to birds, but to the inside. The Eagle represents the Mind and the Condor represents the Heart.
Norteamérica se ha dedicado a North America has been dedicated to think, to direct, to govern, to control, while South America to Feel, what has turned us in unstable countries in many aspects. That´s why their union would achieve the balance. The passage between the heart and the mind is throat, voice, and only the voice, the communication, the message, could make that step.
It was significant that, in Argentina, Roy gave me an eagle feather and that Juan Pablo, called by us Condor Boy, gave me one condor feather. Precisely, both feathers should travel the world to bring the message.
Specifically, being at Peggy´s home in Sedona, this also happened. Ana Maria, in Capilla del Monte, gave Peggy a Condor feather years ago in order to unite the Americas. Being at her home, the first thing Peggy wanted to do was sharing with me the presence of that feather. She said that for years she didn´t took it out or showed it, but she felt that the feather should be in the middle of us, so its energy will join our energy.
The Heart and the Mind were joining in the communication; the Eagle and the Condor were flying among those who carry the message between the two continents. We were many, and we all should speak very loud!
In the Shasta forest, I could hear English words pronounced by others in different dimensions, talking about the physical step of that voice.
Edward didn´t stop talking from 8 am to 23 pm. Perhaps my ear was preparing to receive the message from the English. The voices were moving, and for some reason, I was longing to speak in Spanish.
The messages of the Stones
Edward took me to a place more special, for him, than above mountains. We went to a river, an hour's walk along a forest path, to the feet of the wonderful mountain of Castle Crags, a mountain very similar to Montserrat in some places, composed of marble, which clashes with the volcanic environment of Shasta. There, the energy began to tire us in such a way, that the only thing we could do was to sleep. He said he didn´t feel that way since long time ago, as crushed by a truck. He took me up to some stones and showed me what he had found.
Between the moss there were some well marked petro glyphs on the rocks, which had possibly been carved long time ago. It didn't matter if the message was written 10 years or 10 thousand years ago, what they transmitted to me was the important thing, since they were similar to the Egyptian writing, but one of them, above all, was the most striking. I drew that symbol since I was 12 years old, in Sayonic hieroglyphs. This one meant Hashpy, or Has, which would be translated as Eternally or Always, respectively.
I collected the petroglyphs and began to meditate on them. We both fall asleep. When I woke up I remembered I'd been doing hundreds of things: I'd travelled, I'd performed ceremonies, I'd talked with beings of the region... but I couldn´t remember anything.
The message said something like this: The person that pronounce his/her internal and external voice to the world, recognizing the vision of the two mountains that connect the south with the north, will get the power to turn the key of life, so to move the time to the eternity.
It’s difficult to translate hieroglyphics and more when they are Idea-glyphics, which with two signs say a complete idea. But its meaning could be adjusted more or less to what was written above.
A girl on Facebook just wrote to me with the feeling that she had to give me a message: that I should shout and say my internal sound as much as I can, because I would need it. I think that message was for everyone at this moment... we are all that voice that must connect the Mind and the Heart.
The next day, Edward led me to the other slope of Shasta, where he told me that a few stone circles were found and that he felt he had to share them with me.
We travelled an hour or two until we reached the base, and then we walked an hour and a half upwards, through forests, without path, among the gaps between trees made by the rivers in winter and spring.
When we arrived, he told me that many people searched for it but they get lost and can't find it, and that nobody knows who did it, but it may have more than 100 years. These stone circles were the ones that Jamee, without difficulty, had seen from the plane.
We stood inside them, and I could clearly see three circles with the Star of David inside each one, united by roads forming a large triangle. For some reason, trees don´t grow inside, and a huge clear surrounds the triangle. Only a group of few trees are right in the centre, acting as a channel, surrounded by rocks that form an aboriginal medicinal wheel.
I immediately realized that the main portal had two rocks that we should know how to touch them to get in. One of them was a simple volcanic rock, the other was composed of the same materials as the stones of Waterval Boven circles. Its sound was special, and resonated throughout the valley. I touched constantly this stone as if it was a bell, letting the valley know we were going to use its energy. All the circles portals didn´t go to the top of Shasta, neither to the top of Shastina, the lower mountain beside, but to the canter of both mountains, as if the vortex was there. I started to walk inside the circles, doing the entire road, surrounding the circles, and completing the triangle. A strange energy was moving there, as if a portal was being barely open.
Suddenly it came to my mind again the feeling of the magician Merlin. He appeared, his energy, his wisdom, in Montserrat, but he didn´t appear in Avalon, where it’s supposed to be his energy. And now, once again, appeared in Shasta. I took a stick, a branch, and I walked with it. I felt that one of its parts was an eye, and connected me with him through the branch and the mountain.
That eye spoke about the voice, about the alchemy of sound and the ability of co-creation: moving mountains, it said. Many of the things that were said in the way remained only inside me. They were asking me to remember, they asked everyone to remember who we are... that only would be done in silence, alone, and it was time to recognize the power that each one had to offer.
That triangle awaked a voice that would travel throughout Americas. Edward explained to me there that San Francisco was called thus for Saint Francis from Assisi. The first to settle in the area were the Franciscans, who humbly taught about loving mother earth, to Mary's female divinity. Its symbol was the TAU, a letter T, which seems a cross but it´s a mix of the codes 7 and Gama, the Greek G letter, both symbols signifying the feminine christic ascension.
Between the circles I remembered that, years ago, when I was 14, I wrote an entire life in Norway as a monk, and at that moment I realized I was a Franciscan. That previous life made me realize why California energy was better for me than New York´s energy. Many of the memories were having sense, and in all of them, the voice was fundamental.
From there, talking with those entities in the old English language, I felt what then Edward physically said:
I feel that since you were born I travelled around the world, like many, to bring awareness, and we mostly have done so in silence... Now it is time to pass the torch to the new ones that carry the new message.
At that time he gave me a small bag full of quartzes, all from the belly of the new world: Brasilia and Alto Paraíso, in Brazil. The torch was given to another voice, a Latin one, which at that time was on his way to deposit conscience in an energetic engine that allowed the great father activation, which lies between the volcanoes of Hawaii.
The messages will be delivered, and the voice must begin to be louder.
At that time, I felt that the internal and external voice, over the music that Edward played in the centre of the large triangle, turned the larger and stranger key. I stuck in the centre of the three triangles the key and turned it as opening a big door. A huge gear moved to announce that we were moving the great voice, the new song. We were in the preamble of a great song.
The most incredible delivery
That afternoon we ran with Edward to descend the mountains, because in only 40 minutes was arriving Jamee to Weed airport and in two hours would be dark.
As if it had been premeditated, when we arrived at the airport Jamee was landing the aircraft.
We said goodbye to Edward, flying over his head. From there, Jamee ventured up to 10 thousand
feet high to fly over the sides of Mount Shasta. The Sun had gone but the red light on the horizon gave a magical tone to the mountain.
When we got to the top, with the very white glaciers beneath our feet, I delivered the key to Jamee
who, with great joy, turned aside the plane and threw it from the ten thousand feet high to the ice and snow from the top of Shasta. We were finally returning by night, with all the stars, going through the skies of California. Al fin volvíamos por la noche, con todas las estrellas, atravesando los cielos de California.
ABefore leaving to Hawaii, North America engine, I had to make a scale in Los Angeles. This famous and glamorous city was waiting for me with another sense beyond that carpet and Hollywood stars. The mountains that guard the city originally called Saint Mary of All the Angels, have the name of Archangel Gabriel.
Edward told me that long ago it was revealed that on these mountains and the city valley, the seven archangels’ powerful energy fall down and was activated decades ago. Close to the airport, a Coliseum built for the 1984 Olympics, was located in the epicentre of that divine source. From there, the town became the place that encourages the novelty, the youth, the messages, the technology, the development, the new life, the creativity. He told me that it has always been a focus where Gabriel and Michael maintained and promoted the frequency of the new youth of the world, and for this reason the city became so important and powerful, allowing the development of so many things that they made it a focus of global awareness.
Los Angeles was a step forced for that impulse, and without a doubt I would take it, as all of us must do it to make the great jump, and be able at the end, to liberate the conscience through a new voice...