Since the tour of Europe has been so rapid and intense, we couldn´t keep sharing every day’s information or making videos as we did until now. For this reason, we decided to do these summaries about our way through the continent to be up-to-date with everybody all, hoping to be able to spread ourselves in the right time.
Thank you for understanding!
El Fin de las Tierras
The end of the land
As we have seen in Ireland, Galicia was the last point of the release of those giants who, at the time, had come by Iberia. That point was called the end of the world, last place of the known world where the sun disappeared.
From thousands and thousands of years ago, hundreds of people have been doing a long pilgrimage, which could take years to be finished. The objective was to arrive to a place called in Latin Ara Solis, or Altar of the Sun. This point of the planet was called the end of the land, or Finisterra, place where many pilgrims came from the furthest corners of Europe, to honour the sun at sunset.
Ara Solis, was known for having an old Celtic altar dedicated to the Goddess Danu, looking at the sunset on the sea. Many people recognized this way as the way of the goddess of the stars, the Milky Way on Earth, a way of reconnection, transformation, and each step taken, produces changes in life.
Even for centuries, the prisoners were given two options: go to jail, or make the way to Finisterre (in Galician language). This way would purge their lives, and if they came to the end, they were freed and forgiven.
Thousands of years after the great pilgrimage, from the south, a boat arrives carrying the body of the Apostle Iago. His destination was close to the north of Spain, but in the middle of the road, the cart that carried his body was broken, and there was no way to continue.
For this reason, everyone thought that the apostle should be in those lands that were a legacy for them. That is why they built there his tomb and a great cathedral, the Cathedral of Saint Iago (in Spanish San Tiago). Thus, after the arrival of Christianity, the road to Fisterre became the Pagan Way and now the new tour ends 100 km before, in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
We were doing a way of transformation, exactly in the path of the stars, following the step of the goddess, beginning in Armenia, and knowing that the big step to take would be at Finisterre, the end of the land.
For this reason we suggested to gather all there, for a Walkers meeting. The surprise was the reception we had by the people of Finisterre. His Deputy Mayor, Santiago, and the responsible for the pilgrims’ hostel, Begoña, gave all of themselves to provide the best reception to our walkers of Isis.
Both told us that the situation of so many people coming made them remember the Prestige situation, but this time in a very different way.
The Prestige was an oil ship that sank at the Galician coast, covering the Costa de Morte of crude oil. The situation of so many people coming made them remember this situation, but now, it was otherwise.
We explained that Spain and Portugal form the Head and Face of a person, and Galicia is the face forehead. Finisterre, therefore, is on the third eye place.
This small peninsula so sacred to thousands who are looking for light, wide vision and change since thousands of years ago, represented the vision of the new world. Finisterre was looking to the front, to America... and just when this place wanted to start to open its eyes... an oil ship covered its vision with black oil.
That time began the arduous tasks of cleaning, that Begoña coordinated with her sweet personality but with a strong Galician character. But the cleaning was physical, and we´d do the energetic one.
The elementals were unhappy since long time ago as actually nobody worshipped them, nor lived with them. The upper part of the peninsula had become a landfill which took years to clean and recover. Right there, even though no one in the village could understand why, we decided to make the meeting. This time with the heart of the Earth, to make Finisterre beat and to open the third eye of Spain.
On June 10 we would we be all there, and the slogan was: bring whatever you feel to do the work.
We were told in Egypt that this day was nothing special in the stars because that day we were who had to shine... That is why it rained all the time. Clouds prevented us to see the sun, and we all got wet. But this happened this way because that day we should be the Sun from the Earth.
Reaching the end of the land with the goal of honouring the elementals, to visit again after thousands of years the Ara Solis, and activate that road with awareness, it was essential to achieve the activation of the heart´s consciousness.
But for us, Finisterra put us upside down.
During all the days that we were there we lived intense processes, ours and from the others around us. We faced all the energies of the trip.
We were told:
Finisterre is an end, is the change, and there you must change...
We stopped, and all the energy that was behind us, squashed us. This put us in a strong emotional and spiritual process. We were forced to grow and recognize ourselves, many things we had inside started to get out, and we expressed ourselves.
The pain due to the uncertainty of the plan, the fear to humans that I lately begin to feel, confusion, emotions, egos, all processes began to emerge. The pain or the idea that many hadn´t come for themselves but only to see us, all made us also waver.
We didn't know if we were really doing what we were supposed to do... and Finisterre told us that we should change it. We fall into bed, and there was no way to get up again... The guides didn´t speak, there were no messages or meditations to do, because no information was coming down. I only heard: Silence, they have come to discover that they are the ones that must act.
I understood that, but I felt altered because I couldn´t be present or guiding... Diego had to face situations, something that exhausted him out and left him without energy for two days.
Finisiterre was not a simple encounter but a strong crash against us.
I thought at that time that we couldn´t do the jump to America. We were told that the american energy was very different from the other continents, and we couldn´t go there dragging the energies of others and ourselves. A break was needed to be able to see and hear, and taking advantage of the energy power that everyone managed to radiate from the peninsula, we were able to begin to do so.
From the beach of Mar de Fora, a wide path of light was opened with the presence of fire.
Edward from the United States, bringing the power of the voice, carried out the work that we ought to do... The Plan has always replacements, the Plan continues with or without us, and that must be
I thought at that time that we couldn´t do the jump to America. We were told that the american energy was very different from the other continents, and we couldn´t go there dragging the energies of others and ourselves. A break was needed to be able to see and hear, and taking advantage of the energy power that everyone managed to radiate from the peninsula, we were able to begin to do so.
From the beach of Mar de Fora, a wide path of light was opened with the presence of fire.
Edward from the United States, bringing the power of the voice, carried out the work that we ought to do... The Plan has always replacements, the Plan continues with or without us, and that must be understood. Everyone there realized that night that they had come to do the work to Finisterre, that they came to offer their hearts to that Earth, Galicia, and not to wait for a Harwitum performance.
We could finally be released of the labels.
The people, you! You opened your heart, and a breastplate began to be opened... but something happened... the Awareness Key couldn´t be released... a statement came to Diego: you have always delivered the keys together, and must be delivered by the two of you or by none of you.
At that time, the key could not be released.
While we were in such a process, our hearts wouldn´t be objectives with the energy supposed to be left there. All of you opened the bridge, in order that this task could be fulfilled in the next two days.
EVERYONE SHONE! And thus, the Sun came out.
Two days after, we both were still in a hard process, and there I understood that the key could not be delivered to such sacred place with the energy we had at the time, but it could be done by the purest heart person, the soul that taught us all the most throughout our stay in Fisterra, the woman who was more connected with the task, who knew what to do and say at the appropriate times and really had open her Heart to everyone and to the Earth.
She was Montse (the one in the photo on the right), the simplest women of the meeting, and the wisest of all. Her words made us wake up, cry and smile, and she managed to make me see what I really should see... She was the woman that had been brought to do the cleaning. She washed the floor, the dishes, the cloths and cooked... she didn´t speak much, was very introverted, and sometimes she seemed to be a ghost walking through the corridor, but day by day her presence showed us that greatness is hidden in places where many don't want to see. The last day, among the rocks of the Fora sea cliffs, she delivered the key number 25 to the sea with a deep and exciting speech of love to the Great Mother.
Her complete dedication to the plan and her complete awakening on those days showed us that there are people at the service of the earth with the full heart, we simply have to let them do, each one will know which is his/her own part.
In Finisterra everyone knew which was the own role, we all knew that a path had been drawn with an intention and the facts were others, facts that woke up us and made us see many things in many dimensions.
Spain was opening its eyes, and we also began to do so.
At its furthest point, a bust with a familiar face showed us that the universe planned our path a very
long time ago, and that it had put all the signs there to teach us that, no matter what happens, they will always be there for us. Just on a side of the Finisterre lighthouse, two decades ago, precisely on June 10, someone had put there a bust of José de San Martín, liberator of the Andean countries, over three stones in which were graven: Chile, Peru and Argentina.
Why was in that point that showed us the opening of the vision of the Great Mother that visionary mason who, in his dreams, guided by the Condor, knew he should release the Andes of the Spanish power... ? Why was he there watching the horizon, over the last three countries in the world that Harwitum would visit... the Great Gestating Woman?
Speaking with Edward that June 11, I realized many things I unconsciously already knew.
The 10th finished an important period in the Mayan calendar, which involved a closure of old things, so that the 11 begin new ones. All that day, we used the energy to release old patterns of the region that will allow a new vision of the world.
At the same time, this gave a context to the weird situation of the sword in Scotland... Even I didn´t
explain this fact, he began to speak about the Templars, alluding to the Fleur de Lis, a triangle that
should be activated in three points chosen by the Templars to guard the ancient knowledge: the
zone of Portugal and Galicia, the south of France, and Scotland.
These three points should be activated to carry out the plan in America. They built Roslin as an energy expansion node, in order to use the vibration of the Bay of Edinburgh as axis to convey information around the world through the subtle magnetic level.
All planetary communication nodes cross there, he added, and that´s why the ancients sought to build their temples of power there, so that their messages could reach the world... Reason why, they built the famous Tower of communications, the first of the history: the Tower of Alexander Graham Bell.
The Templars knew that using that energy, they could reorganize the frequency of the planet and begin a new era, but to do so, they should get to obtain the biggest energy of all: the Planetary Nodes of America.
The powerful line of the North American Rocky Mountains and the Andes of South America, have vortices of energy essentials for the new flow of wisdom and society on the planet. This led the Templars to build temples and find the limits of those vortices (such as, for example, the Templar Church of Capilla del Monte), and thus, be able to use the planetary energy as they had done millennia ago.
The problem was that at the same time, the Inquisition began. Emerging the idea from Rome, the countries to carried it out would be those that form the Fleur de Lis: France, Spain, Portugal and Britain. But this would happen because, after the burning of the Templars and the theft of all printed knowledge at that time by the Vatican, they knew about the power of the planetary nodes.
Thus, even though many have gone to America for gold, for many others this was only a trivial pretext.
Anyone could have the gold, but not the magnetic network that controls the system…For that reason, the Inquisition was carried out over these two mountain ranges, conquering each node, and building over them a Church, a Cathedral or an Hermitage. In this way, Christianity would be spread in the collective conscience, and the Vatican would take control of the Net.
Yes, I know it seems sensationalism... As everywhere, there are good and bad... but the Plan is neutral, and uses them all to achieve its mission, in one way or another.
Today, the web is visible, and it was time to revitalize it. Soon we would know the clues to do so... but the nodes were visible, and the history showed us the reasons and the origins... and the facts told us that the tool to do so was the Sound.
We knew in Finisterre that the message was different for America. There we had to reactivate the Net Magnetic Path from north to south. From the Fleur de Lis of the Planetary Heart, we were jumping to follow the Way traced by the ancient ones: Templars, Vikings, Celts, masons, Egyptians, Atlantes, Incas, Maya, Hopi, and many others that indicated how to perform the Great
The sun fall down, and we were all honouring it as it was used to do thousands of years ago... we could breath a new air and America ws calling us to change from the other side of the ocean.
There was only one last great test... and the Iceland’s rift would help us to find it...
The Continental Fault
Iceland was hiding one of the most important secrets of history. This island is divided into two parts: the North American and the European. A row of volcanoes and glaciers extends between the two continents, which are known by the stories of Jules Verne, as one of them was the gateway to the inner world in his book Journey to the centre of the Earth.
The truth is that this book is based on a very ancient history that many people sought long time before Julio Verne even exist.
Since the time of Atlantis, and afterwards the Greeks, Celts and many others, people have been trying to reach this strange land as a required step to reach the enigmatic North Pole.
The truth is that this book is based on a very ancient history that many people sought long time
before Julio Verne even exist.
Since the time of Atlantis, and afterwards the Greeks, Celts and many others, people have been trying to reach this strange land as a required step to reach the enigmatic North Pole.
During the First Humanity, thousands and thousands of years ago, a civilization called Hyperborean lived in the northern part of the planet. When climate changed, their only way out
was getting in the hidden tunnels beneath the Earth, to be able to survive. This fact occurred during the Era of Libra, period in which the Galactic Confederation put some order on the planet after the invasion of the famous Giants already mentioned.
Some points of the planet became entry portals to the centre of the world, where a kind of Ark began to assemble, generating something that some people call Agartha: the Intraterrestrial world.
Within this network, a connection of tunnels linked to a civilization that they called Thule.
This name is repeated several times in the world of the northern hemisphere, especially in areas where the Atlantis people have sought to escape after their collapse: southwest of the current Russia and Caucasus, in Ireland and Iceland, and in the central part of Mexico.
The search for Thule involved the discovery of an ancient network of knowledge that many in the history have coveted: there where the sun never sets.
Looking for that famous Thule, we found something very surprising and strange. In this same decade was founded in Iceland a small independent State governed by August Ruthven Darvell, who named it Thule. In honour of that hidden land of knowledge, with its entrance in this island, was founded one of the rarest and more precocious nations of the history.
Its ruler, Darvell, was labelled as an Illuminati. But if my calculations aren´t wrong, he was the strangest one of all, since he established the Catholicim as the State´s mandatory religion, when this 18th century sect didn´t want any religion.
However, this expensive country was born as a refuge for philosophers, thinkers and scientists, a country where they could grow and build a new world. The problem is that they proclaimed the Ninth Crusade, which they said was against the hidden Communism, the Socialism, and for this reason, became a territory custodian of the Nazi ideology. In Iceland they don´t talk too much about this topic, because in the same year 2010, year of the Icelandic Silent Revolution, this country collapsed and disappeared.
Lo interesante, es cómo los símbolos y los legados que en cierta forma veníamos buscando, se habían hecho tan presentes allí.
Iceland was a very strange country that gave a great lesson to the world, although very few heard it.
Tired of the European economic and political hypocrisy, the people lead the country to a revolution that ended up jailing and sending into exile their politicians, rejuvenating the country’s sight, and refusing to pay debts to Europe that kept the country chained.
Today it became a free country that advances every day more than any other within the EU. This fact was pretended to be avoided in the European and the world´s news so that no revolutionary ideas may arise within the continent.
Perhaps these were the same elementals that caused the eruption in the year 2010 of one of the most important volcanoes of Iceland, covering all Europe with their ashes, and making them lose millions of Euros during several days.
Tal vez fueron los mismos elementales que hicieron en el mismo año 2010, erupcionase uno de los volcanes más importantes de Islandia, cubriendo toda Europa con sus cenizas, y haciéndola perder millones de euros durante días.
Iceland was undoubtedly a land of change and transformation... the energies of the Heart and Throat joined there... the Volcanic Thymus, and that why there our process became one of the hardest and determinant...
Since the beginning of the Isis Harwitum Path, entering the European continent, things started to go very fast, and planetary processes Heart stirred up all that the first three chakras were unable to finish moving in us.
Each country was testing us within, telling us to heal emotions and integrate acts of love on all levels. We had been saying for long that this is the Way of All, but for those who were walking it, was a preparation for the Great Way that we must maintain and implement in the coming years.
Assimilation processes were so strong that, exhausted, we could not finish any of the texts or videos that so far we were uploading to the blog; because behind the masks of the Walkers, there are weak, young, humans bodies, who are dropped after the weight of such a path; that are learning; that must survive and live with multiple realities that are increasingly present.
The constant support of all allows us to follow day by day, and is what we still need to stand firm in the new stages that we the Harwitum Path is proposing us.
Since we went to Switzerland, a memory was reborn in Diego that has to do with his history. The names of his parents, his name, memories, skills and tasks are related to ancient secrets which now lie between Switzerland, France and Scotland, which are clues to unlocking the keys to what the road is leading us to see and to concrete.
Dealing with the emotions and memories led us to live strong situations while travelling and at sites that showed us something that we should keep in mind: sooner or later, Diego should stay in France to take all the necessary information for Way.
We were told that this was a point of closure and definition, of death and transformation, which would put us in the biggest test: making the biggest leap of all, the leap to America, but this leap should not be common. Finisterre was telling us that it was the ultimate point of recognizing that each of us had a mission on the road, and while we were telling this to everyone, we were not facing this issue on our own paths.
At that point, we should let go, yes or yes, all the ties that kept us related to the previous chakras, because in America should be done something different than in the other continents and we should be prepared for that.
In the city of Mexico D.F., where we had to make in December 2011 one of the tasks that we were requested to do around the Central Square, we both realized that our surnames actually correspond to the work we came to fulfil.
In that square, I went ahead, opening energetically the way so Diego could do what he had to do, establish the frequency and activate the heart. Our names have this power: De Stefano, comes from the root Stebano, which is the front of the boat breaking the waves and opening the way, while Paris, which was related to the Nearby Isis, those defenders of the female´s heart legacy that were protected by the Templars and others between Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal and Scotland.
Each one had something to do: one, opening through communication and awareness, the other one, anchoring the heart frequency. And Iceland will show us this.
Having passed through Spain, we step back the French capital, where there appeared again the need for searching the roots, the frequencies and the necessary lessons to fulfil the Plan, as Diego had been told years ago. We did not think that these tasks should be done then, but the situation began to unfold in such a way that Iceland introduced us to the rift. There was a bridge connecting the two continental plates, and we were told: only one will go to America, and the other will stay in
Path, Internal, the training for a new way to face the world. The personal Mission is activated to complement the Plan; the energy was telling us we should make decisions, and that all of them implied firmness and determination: the moon proposal was something that we were unconsciously needing: to find our path inside the Path. We must separate ourselves to find ourselves: only when we have find ourselves we could begin to fulfil our mission.
This message of the New Moon was for everyone in the world, so we share it on the blog, it was a general time to show strength, growth, learning to let go, to look ahead, to take the own path...
We could not evade these signals that we are facing, that were so obvious to us. That same day 20 we had to leave Iceland ... but none knew where to go yet ... Until then we saw it. Separately, we went to the fault line, facing the ocean, and we could see what the Way was showing us: Diego Paris must return to Paris, the land of Isis.
The information remaining there, in this whole European region, should be prosecuted, because its keys will help us to understand the steps that we should take in South America. The basis of many of the countries of the Third Eye of the World were created by the French territory and its ancestral heritage, and should be brought to light, assimilated and rediscovered, to carry that story to the South of the World.
On the other hand, I should continue opening the Way in North America. Diego acts from the Heart, while I act from the Voice, and that is why we can only grow, recognize and activate our plan within the Plan if we could fulfil those processes on the continents that represent these chakras.
In both places, the precise people to help us do this were waiting for us; they all appeared in that same week. Thus we took the decision.
Iceland, the rift, complied with its warning.
Harwitum people: we are telling you about this process to show that we too are in the process, and if we jump on the speed of time, our life moves according to the universe.
All that is happening to us has been told by the stars and we follow them; is important to recognize that in the month of July we will all be faced to learn to live an internal road in silence, often in solitude. It is necessary at this time to found ourselves again to really find our strength in the Way. The Grand live
Meditation in 2012.
Diego began his tour through Western Europe, and I, Matías, through North America.
We invite you to recognize in our process, yours. It's time to get on the speed of time.
We will keep you informed about all our ways that build the same Path, and we will be giving you the information required for the new tasks since the Heart and the Voice of the World.
Thank you for understanding and following the Way.