martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Episode XXV: Lhasa - Tibet


The plexus of the World

Tibet is the most high territory in the world, and has historically been the site where millions of people have placed their faith and their awakening to the divine , "The Roof of the World".
Being so close to Heaven has given to Tibet an important place in human reality, who has always sought to reach heaven.
Tibet is a vast territory called the Karakoram mountain range, which is the plateau formed after the Himalayan range, due to the pressure that the India plate makes against the Asia plate.
The mountains that border on the edge of Tibet, China, Pakistan in route to Russia, created a strange shape surrounding the pale Taklamakan desert, that, seen from space, the desert and the plateau of western China clearly form the symbol of Yin and Yang, which therefore generates a huge energy vortex, a spiral fueled by thousands of natural pyramids born among the hills, radiating the light that reflects on the glaciers and perpetual snow.
There was no doubt that this site would naturally be chosen to guard the world records in connection with the universe, being the etheric city of Shambhala the responsible for connecting the world from here.

Its people, a wise people, was a reflection of this awareness that was active in these lands. The palaces of the Lamas were portals of this consciousness, and its valleys and traditions guarded the most ancient truth. The town was ruled by the tradition of Bon, the original religion prior to Buddhism, which had as divinity the mountains and elements of nature, something that even today, in its 5 colored flags, remains written in mantras.

The other people, in the north, the Uyghur, guardians of that legacy of Mu, kept the balance between the desert valley, and the plateau and the mountains.

The school of the self wisdom, which was only recognizable in the air we breathe free, touching the sky with the hands ...
That was Tibet, Tibet prior to the 50's ... Today, Tibet is China.

The plexus of the World, that powerful center of the personality of our humanity, the place that made a difference in the balance of the planet, today is taken by the Chinese Empire, and is no longer what it was.
If we want to see side modernist, Tibet is getting more and more innovations: art trains, roads clean, highways, buildings with LED displays that dazzle on one side of the great Potala Palace, Chinese and international tourism, modern hotels, cars and shops, and a rush typical of the plain.
Yes, Tibet received us in a completely different way than we expected. 


Tibetan Reality

The Tibetan people was invaded by the Chinese army in 1959, when they got in and sacrificed many monks and citizens. Our guide said that possibly China sought to obtain the pure water and minerals from the mountains of Tibet, but nobody really knows the true purpose.

Since we arrived in China we had noticed their innate need or nature towards invasion.
Today Tibetans do not have passports, are controlled at all times even with the miles that they move within their own territory. They told us that many flee or go to study in Nepal, but many go blind, as they escape on foot and the reflection of the snow burns their eyes ...

As Tibetans, we also found ourselves locked up and lost on the road.
We felt that something was separating us, making us feel tired and devastated, and we felt without a course ... My guides kept saying: wait for the end of Tibet and everything will rearrange.

We knew it was necessary to visit the Lake Yamdrok, a strange lake south of Lhasa, and on the way there, we saw the reality of Tibet.
In all the square little houses, there is a Chinese flag, which are obliged to put, otherwise they would go to prision.

Most people live in the countryside, planting and cultivating, or taking the yaks and sheep to graze, as nomads. A small percentage lives in cities.
But it wasn't there were we really wanted to go, we wanted to go to Semding.

Semding is the name that owns the monastery where lived the first and only Lama-woman in history, Dorje Pakmo, and the fact that female energy has been worshiped there was a very important fact.

But there we went on the second day ... the first, we went to the Potala.



Potala Palace

This palace is the typical image of Tibet: white and redish, it rises between the mountains in the center of Lhasa, a beautiful palace where lived the Lamas, the emblem of the culture closest to heaven, until the Chinese on 1959 invaded and generated the slaughter of the Buddhists and the taking of the plateau.
Diego had said it was better if first we're going to align ourselves, but otherwise we preferred to visit that place first and then take the time to go to the mountain. But in the end, unfortunately, we didn't lined up before setting foot inside ...
About 50 years ago began to be generated inside the Potala some pain, frustration and great karma, which led its walls to be loaded with the highest density in the region.
Diego and I were imminently affected by the energy that is stuck there. Without analyzing it, we walked around the whole palace, until the moment when we were leaving, when we could not stand it anymore.
We both returned to the hotel, because from the kidneys to the feet we had a stabbing pain that prevented us from walking.

The two of us finished almost crawling on the floor, with a pain that was not normal. Then we realized that all the density of the place had caught us from the frustration and clung to our own one ... that did destroy us, until the next day when we become aware of it and released ourselves.

It was clear that the Potala had transformed its essence in recent decades. Today was a museum with a dark shadow that consumed its last spark of light.
Surely for some reason, the Harwitum Walkers had been shown this reality and not another. It was amazing how in everything we wanted to do as it existed in our ideas, was being truncated to bring us back to a channel to unravel the densities of the territories belonging to China.
We spent the rest of the day locked up with a big headache and dreaming of many things ... Among them, there was something that caught my attention:
One of the visions I had before falling asleep was a view of the world, and how like little lights were turning on all the dots representing the people supporting us on each
continent. I felt the energy of those who were sending us their good vibration ... and I could see and feel many pinpoints of light dark, which were connected to us through envy, rage, anger, distrust, and many other energies. But between all those, two lights caught my eye: a very black and red lights radiating different from the others. I quickly realized that there were two people, from what I saw, in Argentina, that were using more than their bad energy against us, but also using words and magic to make us fall.

Notwithstanding that, we knew that nothing would happen that is not within the Plan, and that everything that may happen had to do with our learning.
We remember what we were taught about magic and darkness before birth: The "magic" can not create evil itself, all it does is find the weak point and get in, annoying on the way ...

Seeing this, we made ourselves strong, and we realized that many of the things that were happening were created from the outside to confuse us or make us fight each other, but, observing the full field ,we transcended it.
Our legs or head didn't hurt anymore, and we could continue.

Yamdrok Lake and the Key

Following the femenine way, the key should be delivered Yamdrok Lake without any doubt , where on its shores, on high, is placed, as I already said, the Semding monastery , the only one that housed the only woman Lama. Upon our arrival, the monastery was being rebuilt, but we noticed how the energy of all the temples of Tibet was really off. There we knew that it wasn't the temple who was calling us, but the Holy Tree that was in the front, perhaps, the only tree I had seen many miles around.

This tree didn't talk about historical issues, but made us think for ourselves.
The question was: What meant the road for us?

We were both angry at all, because it is very difficult to really be doing this path, many twists and turns, and sometimes we even do not know where the realities are moving us . We just know we should, so we keep walking. Tired to continue, wewere questioning whether if it was necessary to make the road, and if we were doing it correctly.
Many comments on Facebook in particular, made us doubt what we were doing, but we also thought that perhaps many had not grasped the idea of the Way.

I always told myself that I was carrying on my shoulders responsibilities that were not mine, although I felt them as they were mine: fulfil the plan, and comply with the people who have come to fullfil the plan and they trust on us ... and I felt we had no life ... that
even though we're traveling places that many would like to go, we were not enjoying it by the fact to fulfill and not look bad ... but for this reason we could never rest.
Perhaps this had become our work, and, like any job, it was ugly ...

But the tree told me ... to look carefully, as we began the journey believing we would do this trip for the people, but we never realized that the journey was actually for us. I did not understand, but explained: Life does not end at the end of this year, life begins at the end of this year. You have come out to walk to prepare for what you have actually come to do: this is the recognition path. It is your journey, and only by making this journey as yours, then will be everyone's.

This changed quite my vision, but as my guide said, Patience, because to really understand, first everything must change, and that was about to happen, because everyone (and was referring to the four of us mainly), we should learn from this path and we would do it in different ways.

On our way back, we deliver the key in the lake, though pressed by the guide, who did not want to return later.
The times in Tibet do not respect anymore the people who want to go there to escapethe time, something that later would confirm the guide of Nepal.
Among the trouble caused by the guide, who was on our back chasing us, and we could not do over 500 meters alone without his supervision by law, we offer the Ninth Key at the lake coast.

The interesting thing was that, when we passed before through the lake shore, Diego had seen in that spot a strange mountain with brown peaks, which made him feel a darkn energy in the area, and far behind, a kind of white pyramid, a mountain that he felt was representing the light in the region.

The funny thing was that while we were there, we talk about our process and our truth, knowing that Tibet would test us in several ways to get out of there, the hill of darkness was present, and the rest was all covered by thick clouds.
Once we finished talking about this and decided to start processing it, we throw the key, and no sooner touched the water, the clouds rolled in and stayed on top, imposing, the pyramidal peak of such a mountain. Diego smiled again, and we knew that we had an answer to our delivery.

Both the Lake Namtso and the Lake Yamdrok, where we went the following day and which remains frozen at this height, more than 5200 meters, were for us more an offering of thought and self analysis than a way to find information for the World. Actually, Tibet had been the plexus of the Interior, because it only allowed us to look at ourselves.



What we could see

We could see then that the two older and wiser cultures or races, formerly elected by the Higher beings from the Stars, lived in what we might call the Yin and Yang of the Earth: the Karakoram and the Taklamakan, the two lands dominated and pursued by China, cultures that gradually ceased to have its true meaning on Earth.
Same than India and China, Tibet is one of the areas we've seen that people has idealized in the pass of history. Perhaps because all that territory, has represented for thousands of years the anchoring of the planetary being energies, internally, providing the tools and ways to reconnect with ourselves and the universe, but that it was very visible, and we share the same idea with several people who live there, that energy had almost disappeared.

Shambala had almost closed its doors in Tibet, and all that remained of it in many cases were souvenirs with that name. Tibet´s connection energy was moving since about 50 years ago to the west-central region of the Third Eye Chakra, in South America.
The energy portals in Asia were activated on the other side of the world, almost as if the magnetisms were attacting each other, driving the vibration to the giant areas of Titicaca and Aconcagua.

Pasear por el Tibet, era como… una Walking through Tibet was like ... a kind of cemetery ... reminding us that everything changes and nothing is eternal.
The sentence of our Nepalese guide, Manoj, was the summary of that feeling: "Tibet has no longer soul," was the expression of someone who knows very well that region.

And so it was, everything changes, and many maybe feel hurted with this idea, or these words, people who have long follow these cherished philosophies, which are now memories from yesterday.
The world is recycling itself and nothing lasts as long as we believe. That old phrase "this will never change" is a lie, because every day we discover how everything changes constantly.

The question is: are we ready and willing to change? Or we prefer to stay in the old concepts of our world and its philosophies?

Today, the world is preparing for a big change, and I think we need to recognize this, even in what hurts us the most, to see that our purest roots also have changed too.
Are we prepared to change as well and let ourselves go?

That was the question of the future ... and with that slogan, we come to Kathmandu.

PD.: By the way, looking through books for info about the region of the plexus, Gaby found something in "The Keys of Enoch" that we just wanted to share. Its significance, as any channelled information or prophecy, remains to free interpretation:

ENOC KEY - KEY 113 1-1-3 
5 Therefore, the People of God must be prepared to undertake the Exodus and to absorb the power that the Higher Evolution gives to Man. It is this power that controls the luminic threshold reticles of energy, used to enter and leave our physical dimension. This is done by opening the twelve faces of the Zodiac, the Mazzaroth, by the highest reticles of modulated energy.

6 Consequently, the human creation will find the twelve meridians in the body, inside the Earth and the Mazzaroth, all interconnected with new thresholds, which are the major sources of measurement for the Redemption that is being prepared for the Man by the Brotherhoods .

7 The human body has, then, the awareness that, as there are twelve Light meridians connected to the seed crystal, the body's third eye, also the planetary membrane, the planetary biocomputer, has twelve focal luminic channels. These channels are used to reprogram human creation and act as key points for the exodus that happens from the umbral controll to the next evolutionary order.

8 This rescheduling will take place during the time cycle of the great cataclysm.This great cataclysm will begin with the cosmic waves hitting the Earth, before our solar system enters an electromagnetic null zone that wiil generate a barrage of waves to the polar areas.

9 This bombardment will find energy vortexes that will change the Earth's mantle due to tremendous amounts of liquefied material (electromagnetically compressed) expelled from the Earth's core. Before this happens, man will exceed radiocarbon and cesium dating techniques and will discover, through a process of fission, historical evidence of Gaussian shocks that occurred in recent geological dates. Artifacts found will show that, before these great changes, there had been "contacts with other worlds" to help us go through our final phase.

10 In addition, large earthquakes that cannot be detected will leave the Earth's core and will leave China in ruins, from the regions of Yumen and Wuwei in the west to Tientsin, Tangshan and Yingkow in the east.

11 This is the beginning of our final phase, when China will receive nemesis over nemesis, cause it turned back against the Lords of Light, who were once in the Tarim Basin and the great spiritual teachers who taught in ancient China about the coming worlds.

12 Their armies will advance and be scattered in the rear by large earthquakes as entering the central lands of Russia and to the ancient lands that are connected with the powers of the Middle East.

13 She will receive moans and countless inland seas of blood.

14 Paotow, Taiyuan and other cities will collapse as a consequence of large stormy eddies and sea lashes.

15 He who created the Earth will sent columns after columns of fire and supersonic winds and sacred regions of the Tarim Basin will be separated both from the Russia and China lands, as a tortoise light shell.


15 comentarios:

  1. Por favor chicos, les ruego, disfruten SU camino, solo si lo viven en plenitud puede ser un espejito de NUESTRO camino!!!

  2. Me gusta leer el recorrido porque siento que su camino tiene gran parte del mío. A veces tengo muchas preguntas, dudas y emociones rondándome y me sorprendo cuando veo esas mismas interrogantes planteadas aquí, entonces me conecto con el sentir y me entrego plenamente al camino de la reconexión, del despertar, de la transformación, de la conciencia...¡Gracias infinitas!

  3. Ante todo quería agradecerles todo el esfuerzo que están haciendo en llevar este blog mientras caminan, todos los días entro a ver si hay algo nuevo, lo leo y releo varias veces cada articulo. Este en particular me ha impactado mucho sobre todo la frase del guía "Tibet ya no tiene alma", llevo horas pensando ¿a mi cuanta "alma" me queda?
    Recién vi la grabación de justin y es un placer escucharlos reir. Espero puedan disfrutar de lo que queda de camino, piensen que cada risa de uds impacta en nosotros, hoy a mi me hicieron sonreir y sentir feliz. MUCHAS GRACIAS

  4. A partir de la informacion que nos brindan, me doy cuenta que relacionar a Oriente con la espiritualidad y a Occidente con el materialismo, esta dejando de tener sentido. Quizas la tristeza y la baja energia del lugar los invada, pero recuerden que a la distancia estamos nosotros apoyandolos en el camino. Este apoyo no lo sientan como una responsabilidad sino como una proteccion que los acompaña.


    1. mucho amor, desde argentina buenos aires, muchisima luz les mando desde mi corazón apoyo con mucho amor y fuerza !!
      Los tiempos se asceleran , cambiamos, rompemos esquemas, nos liberamos y volvemos a entregar a lo que la vida nos dé.

      estamos apoyandolos con mucho amor, ayudandolos a distancia, a todos nos toca integranos, y esas energias que no quieren que esto se lleve a cabo, pues, es su trabajo bien lo saben, :) fuerza

      los amamos y compañamos !

      Ninka y familia

  6. gracias !!por permitirse sentir , por bordar este camino con esta experiencia que los fortalecera para estar mas unidos que nunca , todo se esta preparando para lo que viene y lo estan haciendo muy biennnn ,saben que es asii, adelante!!! sintiendo con el corazon y disfrutandooo!!!! abrazote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. estaba leyendo los comentarios y me hizo mucho que pensar el comentario de laura de " cuanta alma me queda" y que gracias a vosotros ella se rie....que bonito . y mi pensamiento es el sieguente para vosotros dos: si nostros(TODOS) nos reimos por vosotros , por vuestros comentarios , vivencias , experiencias etc....pasara los mismo pero a la inversa? es decir , espero y deseo que esto sea dar i recibir y que no solo deis vosotros sino nosotros poder daros a vosotros parte tambien de nuestras RISAS , EXPERIANCIAS , VIVENCIAS....Y QUE LO SITAIS COMO NOSOTROS A VOSOTROS.

    SAT NAM . RHUT .

  8. hola de nuevo... sigo dandole vueltas a tibet....como muchos supongo. me da mucha pena lo de la ciudad del verdad . por otro lado he sentido que ... creo...que necesitais un push"" de energia , y la verdad me encantaria "mandaros" energia a distancia (REIKI) pero a parte de pedir permiso al ser superior os debo pedir permiso a vosotros .

    asi que espero me digais algo....

    mucha luz BLANCA¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  9. ..."muchas idas y venidas, y muchas veces no sabemos nosotros siquiera por dónde nos mueven las realidades. Sólo sabemos que Debemos Hacerlo, por eso caminamos. Cansados de seguir, nos planteábamos si era necesario hacer el Camino, y si lo estábamos haciendo correctamente"
    Chicos, eso es una metáfora de la vida misma, nos ocurre a todos, y al dia siguiente la magia sucede, todo se reconecta y adquiere dirección. Gracias!!!!
    En cualquier caso la responsabilidad de como resuene la gente no es vuestra sinó de la gente. Y creo que muchos nos sentimos muy agradecidos a la vida de que esteis y de que sigais caminando y a nosotros mismos por verlo y compartirlo.

  10. Hola a los dos. Supongo que siempre es un trabajo personal lo que puede llegar a servir al todo. El universo dentro que siempre recuerdo del seminario de Matias.
    Yo tengo una sensibilidad especial en lo que respecta al tema hombres y mujeres no entendiéndose; me duele. No sé exactamente que pasó con las chicas y no sé si es pertinente saberlo. El caso es que a mi me afecta ver que una vez más, a pesar del papel preponderante que parece que en este momento debería tener la mujer desde lo femenino, en el cambio de conciencia, sigo viendo hombres liderando estos movimientos. Veo que tanto Matias como Diego teneís unas capacidades excepcionales, y he hechado de menos la presencia de las capacidades, aportaciones de Gaby y Maga. Y ahora ya no seguiran. Tal vez todos podamos aprender de lo que sea que haya pasado en el grupo.
    Un saludo y mucha suerte

  11. Que increible lo que nos contas Mati de tu vision, pude ver tambien justo cuando estaban por el justintv ayer, vi el planeta iluminandose de puntitos de luz sobre toda la tierra representando todos los que siguen el camino harwitum y todos los que estan en un camino de reconexion, y cada vez mas habia mas luz hasta que se ilumina completamente Gaia, fue muy muy lindo. La tierra se esta despertando y la humanidad con ella :)


    Mil Gracias por todo lo que estan moviendo chicos, no saben lo fundamental que es para ustedes y para todos ;) GRACIAS !!!

    Todos estamos haciendo difusión sobre el Camino, estoy ahora traduciendo al frances ;)

    Abrazos fuertes,

    Cami desde Francia

  12. Dear friends in Light,
    I hope you can understand english.Your words and emotions about your Tibet experience touched me deeply,and I felt if only I could send you all the strength of the Universe,but you already have it,because you Are It.All the Light and Strenght is in you,around you,with you.And I can feel that you know it.Your accounts,pictures and videos help me in visualizing this places on our beautiful Planet and fill them with the Light of Love during my meditations and reiki.We are all working together,we are all One and this is our Work of Love.
    All my Love to All
    Om SAi RAm

  13. Que hermosos relatos, no me canso de maravillarme la sabiduria que tienen y lo facil que es entender tal como lo explican.
    Muy buen trabajo, desde aqui me leerles me da fuerzas para seguir creyendo que se está haciendo muchisima labor.
    Ánimo que estamos con vosotros.
    Un abrazo.

    No me canso de leer, releer y aprender, agradezco al Universso entero por darme esta oportunidad de sanar y sanarme, de habermelos cruzado a todos, aunque de lejitos, puesto que el 11 /11 nos habremos codeado y no me acuerdo !!!
    Es tan grande el movimiento, es tanta gente la que esta alrededor caminando junto, es tan grande esta familia , que gastar energia en dos o tres o mas , que quieren lo contrario a mi particularmente me DA LA FUERZA PARA SEGUIR Y CON MAS GANAS, puesto que si LADRAN ES SEÑAL QUE CABALGAMOS !!! o no ????, pero tambien esta bueno que se enteren que uds tambien se enteran......
    Por otro lado, lo dije muchas veces, IMPRESIONANTE el trabajo, el laburo que se toman, no solo el camino en si, las llaves y las oraciones y meditaciones, sino tambien la presentacion de cada trabajo, las narraciones, el hecho de armarlas, las comunicaciones, los videos , las fotos, prolijos en todo sentido, humanos en el buen sentido de la palabra, calidos, sinceros, desborda la humildad en cada gesto. GRACIAS DE VERDAD CON EL CORAZON !!!!! LOS AMO / NOS AMOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!
