domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Encuentros en AMÉRICA


During the months of July, August, and September we will travel through 8 South American cities and 8 Iberian cities to connect:

 The Seventh´s Chakra Network
with the Heart´s expansion.

These eight cities are meeting spots were we propose to gather and to flow tuned with the labour proposed by these lands’ energy.

We will detail these cities as follows, and we will update this info regarding the public Encounters we will hold.


July 25th, at 10 am
At Americas’ Bridge
(Puente de las Américas
(On the Panama City side)

Y de allí nos desplazaremos hacia
 el Puente Centenario

click en la imagen para mas info sobre el encuentro

We will connect the Americas on the Mayan Day Out of
Time, taking the Eagle and the Condor feathers around
the Panama Channel, the place where both Americas join
and separate at the same time.

We will give our Intend to anchor the Conscience there to
unite the mind and the Heart, delivering the Towei lumbar
Key and the Feathers of both sacred birds to the Channel.

July 28th, at 4 pm
At the Top of the Avila Mount
(Monte Ávila)
In the National Park “El Ávila”

click en la imagen para mas info sobre el encuentro
From the land that represents the transmutation of
the Energies that enter to South America, we will give
the Intend top purge all the Light current brought by
our Conscience Path around the World, to enter to the
Southern hemisphere cleaned by the Violet Flame, at
Mount Aila, where the Oneness Etheric Temple is located,
ruled by Saint Germain´s Essence, the Master of this Flame.

And so we will thrive this healing and regeneration of the
Light Serpent from the lands where the Andes are born.

August 1st, 12 am
At Guatavita Lagoon
(Laguna de Guatavita)

click en la imagen para mas info sobre el encuentro
Colombia is the latest Northern Hemisphere country to
be visited by Harwitum. Is the end of the World Wide
Tour through the Northern energies, and therefore, the
celebration of a Sun beginning in the South. Colombia
represents the Rebirth at the Sunset; therefore our
gathering will be held there where one Solar Disc, which
was a present from the stars to Humanity since millennia
ago, is kept hidden: the Guatavita Lagoon, which means in
the native language, the End of the Tillage.

So we will together give that impulse from the North to
generate the new dawn of a new time in the Southern

August 7th, 4 pm
At the Middle of the World Monument
(la Mitad del Mundo)

From the Galapagos Islands the volcanoes energies feed
the New Time input to the High Andes that begin to raise
at the Ecuador lands. The Ecuador Line is the mark line
that shows the Southern triangle, the territory that goes
from Galapagos Islands to Belem, in Brazil, and these lines
join in the south at Cape Horn.

From there, the Middle of the World, the energies flow
to this triangle that represents entirely the Humanity
Fecundity Body and its New Vision, that´s why we are all
invited to step on both hemispheres to unify the world´s
energies, allowing them to flow to the Southern Andes.

August 18th, 6 pm
At the Cusco Cathedral
(Catedral de Cusco)

Cusco City has been the Navel of the most important South
American culture. Its centre was the capital city for the 4

kingdoms that had the Andes spread, and also was the city
that allowed the Conquest to arrive to every Inca Road.

This navel is a mountains channel, the valley where the
Spirit energy descends to the Great Woman, and it´s were
the ancient Cosco was appeased by the Inquisition energy.

That´s why we propose this Encounter, to give the Intend
to uncover this connecting via, bringing the spiritual
Wisdom from the rainforests and from Machu Picchu,
flowing through the Cosco valley to every Inca Road, in
the South.

September 1st, 3 pm
At the Christ the Redeemer statue
(Cristo Redentor)

In the country that represents the Fraternity, we will
open our arms to radiate the Condor´s Light, opening
the rainforest and quartz womb that cradles the New
Humanity energy.

The “Cristo Redentor” is one of the Conscience Images
of the Southern Dove, the Fraternity, and on that day we
will give the intend to spread to the whole continent its
frequency from our conscience, so the Brazilian lands can
begin to protect with its green wings the Great Woman´s

September 7th, at 3 pm
 (Meeting point to be determined)

Montevideo and the Southern part of Uruguay was a colony
generated basically by people who came from the Canary
Islands. This implies that the essence of the 7 planetary
chakras its present in its vibration, what makes it the
potential of the 7 basic energies we all need.

That´s why the South American Fruit´s energy anchors
at Uruguay lands, and together we must activate that
Fertility pattern from this spot, so the gestation energy
may flow across all South America through the subtle and
multiple energy of this territory.

September 9th, at 3 pm
At the Obelisk

And from there we will begin our walk to
May Square
(Plaza de Mayo)

Buenos Aires is the Capital centre of the Argentinean
Solar plexus, together wit Cordoba, but the difference
with the last one is that Buenos Aires represents the
flowing energies, the input and output of energies through
the “Río de la Plata” River.

The Obelisk, like along the whole history, represents a
connecting point between heaven and earth, which has
been misused during the last centuries.
The intend will be to positively activate it, so it will
function as the portal of what we are generating.

Plaza de Mayo is a point where the 4 elements converge,
and from where they connect with the social powers that
keep the Relationships generated by the Plexus. The intend will be to elevate the elements frequency to purge the centre where the Capitola City of Argentina born.


Diego will be in charge of travelling to the 8 different cities of Iberia (Spain and Portugal), which will act as an axis from the Heart impulse chakra, to sustain and increase the frequency of that we will activate in each Third Eye country.

We will be uploading this info as soon as we are clear about these 8 public points that will be touched at the Peninsula.s soon as we are clear about these 8 public points that will be touched at the Peninsula.



These encounters are public, and their objective is to generate a movement between the people that lies in these places, so the frequency will be continuously activated there.

Everyone who lives in these lands knows inside what 
she/ he must do for her/his land.

Harwitum takes care about passing and moving the frequency, 
but you are who must carry on the task.

Therefore we INVITE everyone to bring whatever you feel to contribute: music, singing bowls, drums, incense, fire, dance, songs… and let ourselves flow with the demand of that day´s energy.

¡Please help us to spread this Encounters through the Social Networks, Flyers, or Videos on Youtube.

¡We will be grateful!

¡Bring your spirit, your soul and your
body, the rest will naturally happen!