The sand pyramid
The Egyptian Peninsula of Sinaí, received us with its modernest face: Sharm al Sheikh. This city is right in the south end of the triangle formed by the territories of the peninsula, in front of the chorales of the Red Sea. It is a tourist place, for lovers of diving and snorkel, but that wasn´t our aim. We walked that same afternoon of our arrival by tourist districts of the center, and allowed us to live a little like Egyptians. We sat down on carpets and cushions in a bar where we had dinner and tasted strawberry shisha. It is like savoring steam of fruits, which gaves a sensation of exotic tranquillity while music sounded at night by the streets of Sharm. After that we could rest for a while after flights we had that same day. The following day we would begin that thing and reason of being there: to climb the Mount of Moses.
The Sinaí is the egyptian peninsula famous because it was the place where Moisés took the released enslaved hebrews that were in Egypt, after he crossed the Red Sea opening it with its cane. Lost in Sinaí desert, people requested explanations about their destinys to Moisés. He spoke about the promised land, and that was their destiny. But the exile town wasn´t very sure of the words of this man.
When they arrived Sinaí, Moisés raises the highest mount, where he meets the Divine energy, God, that gave him the 10 Orders for the new town. When he returned from the mount, he founded a big disorder. The Hebrew town distrusting of Moisés, had assembled gold and began to construct a golden bull to honor the egyptian gods, which they believed had betrayed and for that reason now they passed hunger and thirst. Aaron, brother of Moisés, was in charge of the situation, and didn´t know how to react. Moisés got angry and destroyed the image and punished the Hebrew town like if they were children, reading the 10 orders to them… the ten no.
1- You will love God above all things
2- You will not pronounce the name of God in vain
3 -You will sanctify the name of God
4- You will not dishonor to your parents
5- You will not kill
6- You will not commit impure acts
7- You will not steal
8- You will not raise false testimonies nor you will lie
9 - you will not allow impure thoughts nor desires
10 - you will not covet the other people's goods
Before leaving Israel, Oren spoke to us about the difference between two mounts. Historically, he told us, a evolution in the Hebrew town can be seen, specially in its histories and prophets mandates. In the case of Moisés, he treated the town as a child that someone had to grumble because he didn´t know how to do things or didn’´t value what God gave him. For that reason, like a mother or father who scolds, the NO was repeated time and time again. Not, not, not and not! This made us remember the joke that Oren told us while we spoke about the 10 Orders:
However, about thousands of years later, Jesus met with a more kind multitude, not forced, but guided by its will, that listened to a series of concepts called the “Well-being or Beautitudes”. These, left to people a positive vision of the aims of God. Jesus didn´t say what we aoudn´t do, but he said what we had to be. Moisés gave his chat and mandate in Sinaí Mount, and Jesus in the Mount of the Well-being. Standing in front of this last mount, Oren told us: populary, both are known like Mount of Not and Mount of Yes. This resonated to us very much, and it was the key to understand really our reason to visit Sinaí Mount.
The key was in the operation of the Universe. The Universe doesn´t conceive negative concepts, because this one owns a structure, but with not restrictions. Briefly, the Universe doesn´t understand the no. Any mandate or negative and prohibitive concept that is proclaimed in the universe, will become a constant reality. That´s why only can be cocreated a positive reality, emphasizing or ordering positive concepts.
E Monte of Not in the Sinaí, was an energetic trap that generates the biger vibrational contradictions. Thence they left negative mandates that cocreated negativity. It doesn´t mean that before people haven´t committed such insults. In the antiquity, many of the things that Moisés prohibited were more normal by questions of natural survival. When we became a more civic town, some of those things became unnecessary. But by culture, they continued.
The problem is the following: when people learned to kill to survive, to kill wasn´t a sin, but an honor or the salvation, but at the moment that killing became a shame, and was prohibited, it became a business or a bad habit. Many antisocial things that people does, are done just because the simple fact that they are prohibited. Many evils of the society, are generated by the punishment. The proposed education by Jesus in that mount, implied the people in cocreating the norms, in understood themselves as brothers, in respecting each other removing the best thing from each one, in being master of the others.
The words of Moisés, were punishment, prohibitive, as if everyone were children that lived in sin and certainly had to learn from a teacher. The present image of the Church, possibly, has followed until today the aim of Moisés more than the message of Jesus. The image of No, is probably the cause of many of our evils: the drug, the theft, pedofhilia, the war, the maleness, the traffic… many of the things that we prohibit, generate injury in many, bring about addictions, desires, hatred, indignation, that take to the murder, to madness, to the obsession, to the schizophrenia…
If the not would transforme into Being, possibly the world would begin to change.
Then, we understood our work there.
From No to Yes
Seen the sight, if we drow up a line from Sinaí towards Ireland, we will cross practically all the steps that we had to do in Europe. It´s possible that to activate the heart of the planet, we had to arrive without negative energy. The vortex of mountains of the Sinaí, is a pyramidal pendulum that maintains the balance of the basic energy of the world. Nevertheless, today it´s a land of conflict in its borders, and from old times it has been passage of migrations and exiles, of dominations and forts retaliation. This invested pyramid, is fed on the energy of the Sacrum and Base directly by the tectonic faults… It´s a place able to anchor and to create, to generate new realities if it´s used consciously.
Centuries ago, more than a millenium and a half, those lands were controlled by the Arab Empire. Today, they continue being a Muslim earth. Perhaps the own people of the places, never understands the energetic meaning of their region. However, that doesn´t imply that we can´t reconnect little by little the consciousness of these sites. If we are a network, the cord that we move in any place, can help or affect until the most remote sites of the world.
We decided to go to give a turn to the “key” that opens the door of this sand pyramid. Possibly our consciousness could provoke a movement in the magnetic network that flexibilice the Way by Europe, erasing No, and activating Yes.
In the evening the driver looked for us in Sharm the Sheikh to go to Saint Catherine. This one is a lost Christian church in the Sinaí, where there is a small town that practically lives on the people who visit Moisés Mount.
The tourist walk to the mountain, is for seeing the dawn from its top. When we arrived at the hotel, we went sleeping, because at 01 a.m someone would pick up us to initiate the long walk towards the top of Musa Mount (Moisés). Exhausted from so much trip and flights, we arrived alive at the hotel after a trip of almost 3 hours by Egyptian highways in the heat of Sinaí dessert, at 160 km per hour, and 130 in the curves…
At the dawn, we began our long walk, between several tourists and camels, egyptian shouting and fighting by prices in complete darkness of the desert. All with a deep dream, we raised step by step the winding way and stairs guided by the light of the Moon and some lanterns… always listening: Oh! Maradona, Messi! In each demurrage of rest… The route was intense, and we were thankful that it was at night, since fresh of the the nocturne desert allowed us to follow in spite of our fatigue.
The key of YES, I AM
In the end, we arrived at Moisés Mountain. From the top, the clarity already invaded the atmosphere, which discovered in the light an endless line of ring under the eyes.
The last stairs took us to a people tide who climbed to a reduced space. Japanese met in a same space trying to gain the best place to obtain the best photo of the dawn. Of course, we wouldn´t be there.
We lowered by rocks and ways through places where nobody could go… Then, they told us: “Ey, you can´t go that way” and we said: Argentineans…, and they immediate answered: Maradona! Messi! Come in, come in! For some reason, at least in the countries of the Third World, Argentine being was a passport aside. Many people facilitated things when they saw our passport or listened us speaking, and a smile received or dismissed us as soon as they knew our nationality. It seems a parallel reality, but for some strange reason, for soccer or something deeper without explanation, many countries are glad to find us and they open their doors to us with joy.
We approached a precipice between rocks where people couldn´t see us. There we sat down, and observed the spectacular dawn of Sinaí. There Moisés apparently had a conection with the Gentleman…, maybe a bad-tempered gentleman. However, while we observed the dawn, we concentrated ourselves in the energy of the place, in the typical spiritual force of the desert, and in silence, each one for his side we put ourselves to write.
Throughout the dawn and until the sun was firm and luminous, Diego and I wrote new lists that then we felt, for us, and for all: the lists of Yes, the lists of the Being.
I am existence and grace, I am the one I am and I recognize myself. I exist in each point of existence. I own everything rather I don´t own anything. I find in me everything that is in you. I smile to each one of the Universes that contains me. I expand my being until the infinite. I give a tear to the emotions they look for. I caress my soul with a sigh. I coexist with everything in harmony because I created that way. Yesterday, today and tomorrow I look for connecting each part of me. I accompany whom I must accompany. The time is the experience in the matter and I come out. In all states I am free, because I am existence and grace.
SI am who I am…
I am the voice that creates,
I am the light that radiates,
I am the complexion that generates;
I am the Father who walks,
I am the Mother who unites,
I am the Son who discovers;
I am Existence, I am Conscience…
I am the Time that travels,
I am the space that shelters,
I am the star that illuminates,
I am the sun that reigns,
I am the moon that releases,
I am the Earth that gives life,
I am the water that flows,
I am the mirror that reflects,
I am Conscience and Existence…
I am the One and The Whole,
I am the other one and I am everyone,
I am the movement that cocreates,
I am the tree that is firm,
I am the bird that flies frees,
I am the mountain that connects,
I am the man who guides,
I am the woman who prepares.
I am the elephant that remembers,
I am the ant that works,
I am the fire that lives,
I am the air that breathes,
I am my nectar and food,
I am the storm that transforms,
I am the sky that expands,
I am my stone and my river,
I am the Universe,
I am the one I feel I am,
I am Conscience, I am Existence…
Reading these words, thinking about them, we put the intention to revert the negative concept of the mount, and to produce from our consciousness, a turn for our way by Europe. Now we rotated an historical sense for our intention towards the activation of the Heart. Somehow, we prepared the land for the moment of the opening of active hearts, so that the energycan connect these lands with the heart of the world, caresses its interior smoothly, opening them to all the great possibilities. We presented and offered Towei Lumbar Key with the purpose of maintaining what we moved there, and to anchor all the conscience that you are puting there, in each point of the planet. The sun rose, and we could return happy.
We were happy until Diego had the shining idea to go down Sinaí in Camel. We were tired for walking, and the camel seemed the suitable option if we add the incisive sun. But the camels doesn´t fit me… I suffered since I rose until I lowered, that was before finalizing the route, by the pain caused in my body, and to the gigantic blister generated in my hand against the chair doing the effort of not falling. The goodbye of the mount was painful, perhaps i left something of my negations there… shouting…
The big Cairo
The first time I came to Cairo, a year ago, it was a disastrous stay for me. I remember that territory since I was a child and I thought i knew it as the palm of my hand, but the history I remember of that territory has 12 thousand years, and since that moment, it changed a lot…
The Capital of Egypt, Cairo, is giant and noisy, plenty of dust and bad smells. We wont deny that it is an enigmatic city, but most people say the same thing about Cairo: it´s a disaster. The noise of the horns is tormenting and constant, the smells from cars, animals or people, are strong for non accustomed noses. The dust dries the breathing, and a strange suffocating heat floods the body. People don´t stop discussing,even when they speak calm, they seem to be trying to make businesses. It´s difficult to buy water if one doesn´t know to haggle and in most situations, one always finishes shouting to someone so they leave you quiet. We arrived at a city that had lived a revolution, but it didn´t differ in absolutely anything since 2009.
This time, the Palace of the Democracy, a rectangular building next to the Museumof Cairo, was completely burned, surrounded by burned and left cars, something that we ´d never noticed with the rest of the context if it weren´t because of our taxi driver, Aladino,who told us to see.
The first time I went to Cairo, I was with some friends. We were several, and it was very funny with them. The problem was to think that arriving there would be different. Ever since I remembered that region, I imagined the fantastic moment of coming back there. But when i got there, I could face the new reality of the Nile. Nothing was just as i remembered … desert, noise, arabs, ruins, and the sphinx, as if it was an adornment.
A great pain invaded my being so much that every day I was depressed and ill. My Guides (those of another dimension) had warned to me: “if you want to go to Egypt, we will give you the opportunity, but be carefull with the consequences to go so fast”. Thus how it was, very easy to go, but very difficult to be. I left Cairo without a desire to return and with the same sensation, I returned to Cairo this time.
Diego confessed me that he was also hopefull to find something very different in that place at he wished to go with so much longing. But there we were, waiting for the day we should leave. Nevertheless, this time our stay was subtler, because i already knew in certain form where were the things, how much could they cost, and how were the things today…
The Moon of Tauro
The first day in Egypt was exhausting and terrible. The emotions bloomed and we didn´t feel well. We practically slept all day long after haven´t slept well in a few days. That same day was the Full Moon of Taurus, which we´ve been waiting for and programming all together to unite ourseleves to its vibration. Perhaps the fact that Moon occurs in that day, had waked up sensitivity and pain, emotions and so many other things, as sadness by home, the family, all the questions that a moon in Taurus can bring. The order, the home, the emotions, were very present. We were in an earth that for both of us was a home that today remaines in ruins.
That day Diego knew Argentineans who were in the hotel. They were of walk in Egypt, but they did not know much of there, of its history. Without filter, Diego began to speak to them about everything we are doing. Surprisingly, the woman ended up confessing in front of her sun things that she had seen and felt of other dimensions, something that she never said to anyone. She said that it was the first time in her life that she could speak with someone that wouldn´t think she was a crazy person.That made us understand how many people shut up many evolutionary experiences because of fear, and they have so much to share!
On the other side, when we went to have dinner, a pair of Argentineans seated in the table alongside asked us what were we doing two young boys in Cairo. Also Diego began to speak, about the history of the humanity, that the pyramids are not tombs, and so many other things of around the world that we took a month to understand, he released all that in front of them! The woman even said to us laughing: you are throwing me down everything what they taught to us today! In a while, Diego told them: Did you see the Capilla del Monte meeting of 11:11: 11? And they responded: Yes, we saw it on tv, and we have a friend who spoke much of that! To which Diego said: good, we were them!
The man began to laugh and said “Look such a crazy boys we have find! How incredible the moved that you´ve done! We were speaking enough with them about our project, and they requested the contact to follow the blog. We told them about the Moon of that day, and everyone greeted us and asked what we did or think about one or the other thing. That night, we went to the show of pyramids at night. This show, was the one that would allow us to be within the estate, against the Great Sphinx, during at least one hour and a half, hoping Full Moon of Taurus.
I wont deny that tears felt of my eyes when I was again in front of the Sphinx in that fresh desert night. The lights of colors told a history illuminating the pyramids, an impressive image in that clear night, although all the said history, we really knew that was an old story for children, that even themselves wouldn´t believe.
Keops, Kefrén and Micerinos illuminated one to one, and the Sphinx counted the history that according to Zahi Hawass (the most detested egyptologist by students of true history, dictator of archaeology and owner of the monopoly of the Egyptology… friend of Mubarak, the Egyptian president…) it is certain. The “three greater tombs of history” today were a show for Japanese tourists. And the honor of the Sphinx, a clown chating in English.
It still hurts in the soul that what humanity gave to leave like legacy, today is treated like a park of diversions discredited by the Arabs: the only love that produces these pyramids for them, is the money: the trillions of annual dollars that enter by the estate. Despite this, trying to evade all present situation, we concentrated ourselves in Sphinx and pyramids. We were recovering the breath and entering a different ambient from what we´ve seen these days.
Silence and music surrounded us while we aligned with the energy of the place… the present one, the old, and the ancient. Then, something drew our attention. A simultaneously harmonic and rave sound invaded the atmosphere from back. Behind us, Cairo, luminous was raised under the hill of the plain of Gizeh, and like an echo, as a theater, all the city began to sing.
It was exactly 20 hours, and all the religious muslims called to pray to mosques singing versicles of the Quran. The song from all mosques, produced the sensation of which the complete capital was singing, and the echo became as powerful as the words of history that left the loudspeakers of the estate. When we turned back to pay attention to that to sing, we saw that behind Cairo, an impressive Full Moon appeared. Its light, illuminated the pyramids as if it was by day. The clarity was magnificent.
The Earth that venerated Taurus from its more ancestral times, when the Hathor mother brought the tool of the Universal Sound, the image of the cow had been present, transforming itself into the bull during the era of Taurus, moment in which the Earth happened to be in front of this constellation, between the 4000 Before Christ until the 2000 BC. According to what we´ve been said, that full moon marked a new Earth council between Sirianos and Pleyadianos. Both intergalactic groups, are parents of our civilizations and humanity. The Sirianos like center of the races Parliament, creators of the governments, in the same earth met with those evolved with the power of the Humanity, his potentials and connection with the divinity, the Pleyadianos. In the Moon that marked the Home, both would reconnect, perhaps, to elaborate a new plan of action in our world, without interfering with our will.
We made what we said to all, we opened us to the reception of the energy of the Moon and anchored it with conscience of all connected in this moment, there, on the feet of the Esfinge, between pyramids of Gizeh.
The moon illuminated us while we connected ourselves in its spiral of energy, and the powerful force that thousands of people generated when saying prayers in all Cairo, it surrounded of a magical and powerful atmosphere the connection we were doing. We remembered that in Armenia, the image of the most important Gods of their prehistory, was a Father and a Son: one on a bull and another one on a lyon. Then, the bull and lyon were present, the moon and the sphinx. We united there them with our intention and conscience, until the time that music and songs of prayers finalized smoothly in all the city. This way, a new day for us began.
In Orion´s center
Last day in the morning we went to the estate of Pyramids. First thing we did once we got there, was to go towards and enter the Great Pyramid of Keops. For me it was surprising being there for the second time, and Diego was fascinated to be inside. We came into a door that the expeditionary ones had done to be able to accede.
For those who doesn´t know much about pyramids, many incongruities are kept there. The difficult thing to understand, is the reason why the egyptologist guard refuses to investigate further, or to accept other studies that demonstrate something different from pyramids. If the studies were real, the history of the pyramids would be a lot more fascinating that the one we know, nevertheless, they deny and prohibit any kind of studies that question the fact that they are tombs.
In school teachers always taught us that the history of the civilizations is born with Egypt, which is lie, since the sumerian almost existed as a society, among others cultures. But most ridiculous of everything is that even today they go on saying that piramids are tombs. We´ve listen that for some reason Keops grandfather made the most spectacular and enormous pyramid in the world in only 50 years, and that his son, Kefrén, and their grandson, Micerinos, built each time smaller pyramids by respect or for a lack of funds… absurd. There are several things of the pyramids that don´t agree with the reality:
Its construction:
Specialists say that in 50 years egyptians built the pyramid of Keops as a tumb for the emperor. The problem is that in the plain of Gizeh there are no stones for such a building, so they had to bring it from another site in the south of Egypt… of about 1300 km, across of the Nile. The answer is: they cut the blocks, they pushed them, they raised them to the rafts, they brought them by the river, they put them on trunks and finally they dragged them until the construction. Some of those blocks have a weigh between 30 and 50 tons… you can make the calculations. Also they say that the stones rolled with trunks of trees… and the question is… what trees? Good, according to the egyptologists, ancient egyptians destroyed all the forests to be able to do it.
The first practices:
The greater architect, Imhotep, lived to the construction of temples and pyramids. Its greater creation is the Staggered pyramid of Saqqara. Nevertheless, when seeing it, we will see that he is pretenced. But it doesn´t matter, after making that attempt, the following one was perfect: Keops. Suddenly, the perfection. It is impossible.
The blocks:
There are blocks that display an erosion very different from others, with a distance of milleniums among them… althought they are one next to the other…
Zahi Hawass: dictador de la egiptología |
The tumbs:
According to what they say, they were tombs where they buried the kings, the problem is … they never found any mummy… not even a single device in the interior. According to the egyptologists, there were thieves of tombs. But… how did they enter? Until the explorers in the last 200 years put dynamite in a lateral of the pyramid, they couldn´t get inside. There was no way to enter no pyramid, because it was recovered with tons of rock up to 10 meters in the interior. How did they sack to the treasures and the bodies?
The Sphinx:
This one is in another level from pyramids, and with a very different erosion. Sphinx eroded by great amounts of vertical rains that stroke it. When did it rain so much in the 2000 before Christ?… never. Last great rains dated on the region, were between 8 thousands and 10 thousands A.C. - the head, clearly was carved later as the one of a manbut before was something greater, a lion.
At the end, it was my turn to count in situ my memories about the place. We possibly needed days there, not just an hour to explain everything, but that time was enough.
The Sphinx, called Basuk Koi when I remember, was the protector of the Sun and the underworld, custodian of the most ancestral knowledge. Beneath their feet were hidden memories of the ancient humanity, preserving them of the uneducated who invaded the region in 7 to 6 thousand B.C. She saw the meeting of different kingdoms in the 8,000 BC, when the Board of Harinfolink was carried out.
This name means: Board of the Sun, the stars and the Moon, and was proclaimed by the Governments of the world to solve the issues of the future with parents races.
In front of the Sphinx, a source or port full of tributary waters of the Nile, received ships. Opposite to the Sphinx, all presented and honored each other, paying honors and tributes to her because she kept the secrets of the past and the future.
Behind, a huge Temple was the meeting place of all the different races and civic peoples of the world. There they discussed the future of humanity after the climatic changes ahead. Galactic winter was about to start, and this implied maximum disconnection of humans. The Treaty involved not to have direct contact between humans and the stellar parents, but their constant support to the evolution of the dense developing worlds.
Pleiadeans, Syrians, Orion people, among others, with Antarctic, Americans, Africans and Asians, shaked hands and sealed a plan of Annunciation to humanity and support for reconnection. This way, many of the tools that began to be forgoten, would remain latent until the time of awake again.
The pyramids, many of them were built in this period. Many were later destroyed, but most were rebuilt after generations to sustain the vibrational field of the world in times of darkness.
And there they were, in Northeast Africa, the largest machinery visible by humans: the three pyramids of Giza.
For this reason, our primary aim was entering Keops. The famous Chamber of the King inside, is just a sound resonance Chamber that creates vibration. The key, as we came speaking from South Africa in Waterval Boven, was the sound. All ancient civilizations, whether civic or not, used the sound as a form of connection or technology. The pyramids were built in the same way, with sound, transporting by soundtracks as the current magnetic trains, and therefore its inside, is a huge box of resonance that activates a huge stellar machinery on Earth.
Therefore, our goal was to activate al least 2 percent of this machinery, to connect us to the conscience of everybody.
We entered through that broken tunel, until the huge passage after walking down more than 50 meters of diagonal channel, and so we were in the center of the great pyramid.
Near a wall, between that perfect box of block of 50 tons, is what they called the King's sarcophagus, which in reality, is a healing sound box, because there never was a dead in it.
The people entered there to connect, meditate, speak to heaven, or activate a network of energy vibration throughout the world.
We thought to do precisely the same thing.
We surrounded the "sarcophagus", and started to sing with nasal sounds, what made the camera resonate incredibly, a vibration that was generated even by a simple take-off of the lips.
With us, there were some Japanese walking and talking with a strong voice by the Chamber. While Diego standed in a corner and couldn´t stop singing, I started to get out of the bag the image of Isis we bought in Sinai, with the bowl and the key Towei Lumbar, everything in front of the sarcophagus. People watched us, and some began to sing with us. The vibration was strong, and at the same time, Diego and I thought about the wires and lights and security cameras on the walls. We thought how horrible is that a perfect site is screwed and nailed to illuminate the tourists, and that for something as we use to do, that was wrong. Also we couldn´t get into the sarcophagus, if they saw us…
We only thought about it, when the light was cut in the pyramid. Japanese and us stayed in a full darkness inside the Chamber of the King. Some returned by the shock, and because of the feeling of confinement that generates to be there, and more in a full darkness…
I I kneeled, and with my hands resting on the sarcophagus, kept on singing. The sound seemed to take shape. At that time, someone lit a phone and then I saw that around me, three people were doing the same thing than me.
After 5 minutes, everyone left, but we remained.
While the sounds still empowered the environment, key Towei Lumbar was deposited inside the sarcophagus to be aligned with the sound.
Once we did this, I lied inside the sarcophagus and after Diego did the same.
There, the vibration is so powerful, you can feel how the sound is transformed into a kind of water that covers approximately 30 cm at the bottom of the sarcophagus, almost covering the lying body. I felt that the sound was going through my body, and I moved in a strange way that at one point scared me, because I felt I could leave my body.
Diego did the same thing and had the same sensations.
We felt that while we did this, a part of us was cleaned, and a vibrational light rose towards heaven, activating something somewhere, connecting with the events of conscience that we were moving, and with all of you.
At that time, between the sound, an egyptian enters with a flashlight camera, and with a frighten face illuminates the sarcophagus. There I was, with my altar of Isis in the Centre of the camera, singing and when he illuminated inside the sarcophagus, Diego was lying inside!
Perhaps, in the darkness he wasn´t noticed, but I believe that the man was quite scared.
You can only be between 5 and 10 minutes in the inside of the pyramid, but the Cut of light, allowed us to be there about 45 minutes doing what they had to do.
The sounds seem to intensify in this Chamber, and even more when there isn´t light, because the senses are alert to only one.
The power that pyramids are able to generate, is unthinkable for men who believe that technology are chips and leds… natural and sound technology, is the base of creation, and thus the most powerful.
Leaving the pyramid, we saw something fascinating in the sky.
Just on the pyramids, at the height of the Centre, Kefrén, a strange cloud began to take the form of a spiral Galaxy.
There were many clouds in the sky, and that was very different from the others. While the Galaxy grew, appeared some small clouds. Two on one side, close to the light of the Sun of noon, and on the other side, about 6 round little clouds.
When we saw the full picture, we understood something that the sky showed us as a confirmation of what we were doing since the previous day:
The three pyramids of Giza, form on Earth the alignment of the stars in the belt of Orion (the three Marys), that are the door to our galaxy. Just over them then: the Galaxy, a cloud with that form and as they are in the sky, to the right of Orion, the two Suns of Sirius, and on the left, in the constellation Taurus, the distant Pleiades, the brightest 6.
Clouds showed us the Council that was being carried out, as a confirmation that our connection was working and that it was heard on several levels.
This led us to a huge smile, and we were satisfied with our ephemeral presence at the site of the pyramids. Honoring the great Sphinx, we took the road to the next step of Harwitum: the step pyramid of Saqqara.
Message of Anaksunamun
In the desert, after extensive fields of Palm trees following the flow of the Nile, further to the south of Giza, is Saqqara, the stepped pyramid.
It was built by the famous architect priest Imhotep, popularly known as the bad Mummy precisely in the movie "The Mummy" (the Mummy, 1999).
On the other hand, Imhotep wasn´t bad, but someone that ensured the progress of Egyptian architecture through the Alchemy of matter and the stellar universe.
According egyptologists say, the step pyramid was an "attempt" of architects to build a pyramid, but as they failed they had to do it with steps… well... If they think so!
In fact, the steps of this pyramid, mark stages of human evolution, from lower to higher, such as a stairs towards the divinity. Each level corresponds to a work to exceed, transcend, integrate. Imhotep wouldn´t simply do something because he couldn´t do it in a better way…
We walked towards one side,to some ruins with small openings, where you can put offerings or statuettes. In one of them we put our image of Isis, and we remained there, sitting in the little shadow, to connect us a moment with the place..
The site was filled with trash. People say to tourists that they have to pay to preserve the old places, that can´t film or take pictures, but however, they could have the site of the pyramids as a garbage dump.
Dispelling that image surrounding us each both, that place we found was practically a fine and clean sand very similar to talc.
We stayed silent for a long time, and suddenly a few voices began to cross over my head. Suddenly came to me the image of a woman, which I felt representative of many others there in that place. One that loved Imhotep would be better than anyone else, a custody of a female knowledge owned by the priest.
Anaksunamun, was one of the women of Seti I, but lover of Imhotep. In the film they are a malevolent image of both, but in reality, they guarded the great alchemy secrets of the time.
In her presence, I felt that she had many voices, as if Isis, Hathor, Anu and so many others were mixed in her voice. Soon she began to give a statement, which we decided to record in order to remember what she said.
He spoke about the stages of evolution, and that we were together with many people taking these steps of activation of the evolution.
She said that there, the great architects weren´t those who studied, but those who have learned to listen to those that possess the most essential information: the stones. "If we hear the stones, we´ll know correctly what the earth need of us". She said that "the large rocks in the world move along a light snake that remains blind since milleniums ago." She told us: the snake should open their eyes, if she doesn´t, the energy wont move correctly. The Snake is feeded by the heart and drags between the rocks. "Your work is to make aware the opening of its eye, activating your hearts"...
He spoke about the stages of evolution, and that we were together with many people taking these steps of activation of the evolution.
She said that there, the great architects weren´t those who studied, but those who have learned to listen to those that possess the most essential information: the stones. "If we hear the stones, we´ll know correctly what the earth need of us". She said that "the large rocks in the world move along a light snake that remains blind since milleniums ago." She told us: the snake should open their eyes, if she doesn´t, the energy wont move correctly. The Snake is feeded by the heart and drags between the rocks. "Your work is to make aware the opening of its eye, activating your hearts"...
“"There is a slogan for those who walk the steps of the sky", she said referring to us and to all of you: "many will have to travel, maybe... return to their homes, and this will face them to discover things on their own path." The place we choosed to birth, has
hidden messages and tools for each one. This information is in a stone, opened in the Palm of a hand, and stones that contains the information we need.
All of them must find this stone, they will do so. When they return to that place where they were born and find it, must hear what it has to say on the way. "Once they have heard it, they must all meet there lies the stomach, where all the stones together will be heard, and the gestation will began"…”
Telling us to remember that we didn't have to expect connections at each site we go and to relax. She said in the form of scolding that we had agreed to walk, and we deign to do so without questioning why we don´t have the same connections than before. We should walk, and when we finish the way, we´d understand many things of steps that we gave and didn´t even take into account by the speed of our step.
The stones had to be looked… we felt that this slogan was becoming something important for many people. Something that we should communicate, so we can find these stones, and unite them there in the womb, site that we are waiting to know exactly where it is…
The Key of the Nile
At dusk, leaving Saqqara, we went to the outskirts of Cairo, to take a raft to the beautiful Nile.
After thousands of years, the river remained a center of maximum attraction for souls. Throughout its path, from the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, crossing the desert mountains of the Sudan to start to feed the beautiful and green basin in Egypt, opening at the end of the journey as a tree in the Delta born at the height of Cairo.
The Nile has meant life for the ancient and current, all the wealth born of him. Many saw him as the same channel connector of life, an umbilical cord or the cord of silver of the soul. Each stage of the Nile is a Chakra, and where we were, was the point when that light is spreading in the delta, the triangle of fertility. The Via Láctea on Earth, surrounded by the pyramidal stars illuminates human in its fertility and beauty, passing through Africa, the land of birth.
Where the chakras expands, there we were, floating on those ancient and sacred waters yearned by his placid in the chaos in our remotest memories. A beautiful green surrounded it in the distance. Buildings of Cairo were silent.
In this irradiador evening, we gave the Towei Lumbar key that opens the chakras of the Nile to the irradiation of the Mediterranean.
Silently we watched it submerging, and the sun approached the horizon. Waters seemed to wash us, and in that Egyptian raft, we let us rest for a moment and took a break from all history. The chakras received at the height of the third eye of the Nile the opening of our conscience.
Milleniums ago conscience was opened there.
In front of the Sphinx, first ones that would do the Harwitum more than 7 thousand years ago, asked permission to the guardian of the Sun to travel around the world. And we, in the same way, honored those who started it before us.
Stories were crossed there, and we waved in spirit and soul. That river, symbolized worldwide, the great sage of antiquity, and we had come to honor the Nile, to open the doors of its wisdom with our conscience so that it activates the heart that would fertilize the new Chakras in the new third eye of the world:
South America...
Our work and recognition in Egypt had finished by now, but the discoveries would continue waking new stories and keys to tomorrow.
So, we walked to continue with our steps, with the intention of discovering the indications of the work mandated by the priestesses of Saqqara:
Open the eyes of the snake...
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