Unexpected trip to the Anatolia
In the moment we were debating about places to visit, Turkey was considered with among dozens of possibilities. But it was quickly discarded by simple naturalness.
It was during the trip, when we realized that many destinations would change along the way, after what happened with Sumatra and Beijing, and therefore, we opened ourselves to these possibilities, letting us flow.
During our trip around Asia, we received some messages about Turkey, asking us if we´d go there or not. Others talking about how beautiful it was and that we didn´t have to lose it (of course that those who said it did not know what was our trip about), but above all, an email of someone we lost the mail and don´t remember its content, told us that he had dreamed that Lions of Hattusha had something important to tell us.
These lions are in the center of Anatolia, the territory called Turkey, a few kilometers of the capital: Ankara.
For some reason, this resonated much to us. Those Lions had something to say, something to show us, and we would understand so once we arrived there.
Turkey is a country that belongs to Asia, but a small part of its territory, is in European territory. The largest city, Istanbul, has a part in a continent, and other part in a diferent continent. For a reason, the days that we could assign to Turkey were only two. We had only one full day in the country. Perhaps it´s difficult to think that we move around the world as if it were a neighborhood, because it isn´t normal to spend a day or three as much in a country and change to another as if nothing, but this year it had become the way we should do things, and we accepted it.
Not hadn´t any time to know a simple thing of what we spoke: the nice Istanbul, the beautiful Capadocia… but we´d only go where the destiny told us. We heared about Turkey so many times, and the Lions of Hattusha imminently had something for our Harwitum way.
We didn´t understand why we were send to this country from Egypt, in a way breaking the line of the rose which we spoke in Egypt, a line across Europe. But anyway, the reason for our time there, and its logic, we´d only understand it once we stepped on their lands.
Perseo was still present
We left Cairo to Istanbul. There we would scale before arriving in Ankara. Istanbul is the best known city of Turkey, it was always the capital, since ancient times, called Byzantium or also known as Constantinople. It was East Roman Empires axis and later Ottoman´s. Turkey seemed to have the energy of the two continents: Asia and Europe. Their empires and countries have always had part of the two, and Istanbul as a Center. In this place the ancient texts that forms the current Bible were joined: the Council of Constantinople. Without a doubt it was a focal point in the history of our current reality, because decisions that shaped our past and therefore the future were taken there.
Something that caught our attention from our trip to Turkey, is that the flights to Bosnia, Greece and then Italy, had all scale in Istanbul.
To know this, flights even without logic, such as Atenas-Estambul - Sarajevo-Istanbul-Milano, (look at a map), seemed to tell us something. While we were at the airport, we got the sensation of having the entire city in our magnetic field, linking Europe and Asia minor, between the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. That feeling allowed us to feel part of something resembling a weave and disarm the energy we were focusing on the region. It was probably that our presence many times there, had to do with an outcome between the energies of the road.
Landing at Ankara was obvious proof of this.
Ankara was the new capital of Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, when the invasions of French, English, among others, surrounded the coasts and took Istanbul, making that Turkey reorganize in some ports far from invasion point: a small village dedicated to make ancora wool, in the center of Anatolia. Ankara was the capital of the new Turkey.
The country is a strange mixture between European, Asian and Arabic. Infrastructure surprised us, because it has a fairly modern and technological social organization, better than we expected.
Modern transport, buildings, airlines, impressive airports, autopistas… everything is arranged and has an European style. Most of the population is Muslim, but the State is secular, of the few, if not the only Muslim country in the world with a secular State and free.
The Turkish image in history has been a great dark spot for peoples that haunt its current limits, as Armenia. Turkish people still denies that genocide. Even when we asked our guide why wouldn't they let the Armenians investigate their own history in its ancient lands of Van Lake, to the East of Turkey, he bothered much by saying that all was a lie, and that there were many Armenians doing things there... which wasn´t the same storie we were told in Yerevan.
However, they had advanced quite enough on his image, to the point that many people wanted to go back there. The landscape green, with beautiful old villages, sheep grazing among flowers, and a comfortable climate, all showed us a side of a country we didn´t know.
When we were prepared for the landing, I browse the magazine of Turkish Airlines and looked for maps, that always have something to say, until something caught my attention. The map showed the air routes, cities and countries of the world,
and specially its well-marked geography with mountains and green. I analyzed Turkey and its form. I remembered a picture at the airport of Dubai, which showed the ancient conception of Middle East region as if it were a horse. The head of the horse, was Turkey, as it is perfectly the outline of its lower jaw. But I always noticed other form there, as if it was a giant lizard or Dragon. The question whas: What is that strange head there? What is the role of the head…?
I finally could find the rest of the shape. Mountains that are borned in the West side of minor Asia, I mean on the shores of the Aegean Sea, stretches eastward through the Anatolia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia to the North of Kamchatka, going on through Bering to Alaska, down the Rocky Mountains in Canada and United States, crossing the small mountain range in Central America, and initiating their final passage through the extensive range of the Andes, ending in Tierra del Fuego as a tail, the tail of the serpent. There it was, the largest serpent of the world.
The serpent of light through the large mountain ranges of the world, the largest and most extensive, and all seemed to be connected. The start of his tour, was in the mouth, to the West of Turkey, in the Aegean Sea, and its final was at the eastern end of the island of Rio Grande, in Argentina.
The famous energy of light that flows through the mountains of the world, seemed to have its principle in that territory.
Excited I told Diego and we remembered well what was said at Saqqara. The eyes of the serpent. What did it mean?
Ankara was precisely in the height of what could be interpreted as the eye of the serpent. We saw that a wide sea of salt was located close... it was possible that the point to visit was that sea. We´d only have one day in Turkey, and it seemed that whatever we´d do there, should be very fast.
The things started to clarify for us. While the plane was landing, we mentioned the message of "open your eyes to the serpent". It seemed related to regain clarity. The serpent, its entire route energy, crosses through lands of conflict and pain history. Its tail is activating, but if its head remains blind to the reality it wouldn´t help. It was possible that opening the eyes of the snake, Turkey, mobilize the vibration of light at the end of its body, in South America. It was as if Turkey and Argentina were connected by the edges.
At that point we thought… Oh my God... Menem… Has Turkey in our lands something to do with a hidden message from the universe of the blindness of the snake, having taken a blind people in the hands of an Ottoman descendant for 10 years...? And that even today continues in the Senate…Probably, when the snake open the eyes... our Argentine karma would release… "I don´t know... maybe… ponele…" (It would say our friend Silvina).
Speaking about reflecting, open the eyes, awaken, heal own darkness and light, of facing ourselves in this energy, all somehow reminded us to the analysis we did about the myth of Perseus during our stay in Oman.
The plane had already landed, and we went down to the terminal. When it stops, we look out of the window and just by our side, a huge plane with a small white
horse with wings on its wing. When we saw the complete aircraft, we discovered the name of the empresa: Pegasus. There it was again, the universe clarifying our doubts. We came from an energy that spoke of Perseus, who defended Andrómeda from the big monster . Sea monster with a serpent shape (see the constellation) in the sky, which could only stop and kill showing him the head of the Medusa: the only weak point of this monster, were the eyes, and he was there, showing Medusa to the monster, that turned into stone and was destroyed.
Pegasus accompanied us. The myth of Perseus was still present there. The great serpent could be light or darkness, could choose to remain blind and a monster, or choose to see and be a serpent of light.
The message of the lions
When we arrived we met our guide. As the Turkey Agency told us, moving around this country was difficult and we couldn´t rent a car neither enter the sites we wanted without a tour guide. As we only had one day, we didn't want to give many turns, and accepted the treatment. But out of the airport we got a surprise: there were many Rent a Car, and many people going by his will. In the same way, in the places that we wanted to go, there wasn´t even an entry: it was free and outdoors, and we saw several tourists entering there by themselves.
Anyway, we took it into consideration, because we hadn´t understood many things if our guide wasn´t there during our few hours.
A retired man´d lead us all places which gave us a bit of fear, and which introduced himself complaining because he didn't want to drive so much... we started with the wrong foot.
Our goal the next day early, was specifically Hattuşa (Hattusha), an old Hittite city, its capital. It lies in the South of the province of Ḉorum (Chorum), to the East of Ankara. We thought that it was much closer, but the route took us more than two hours until we got.
The Hittites were people who managed to spread throughout a big part of Middle East, even bordering Egypt, in the current Israel. They had been migrating for milleniums from Northern Eurasia, the current Russia, as Indo-European families. They settled down in Anatolia and became an important civilization, with gods, temples, trade, customs, capital, even writing. They were called “The people of 1000 gods” because they honored many.
Like the Greeks, they had direct conflicts with their gods, which needed human. Knowing this, the human beings sometimes revealed against them, saying that from now on they wouldn´t honor them anymore, what was bad for the gods.
These natural talks between humans and gods made us think about the true "Heavenly" origin of the gods. But however this, our guide told us that the Hittites were not the first inhabitants of Anatolia, they were the Hattians. This town wasn´t social as the Hittites, with its advanced systems such as the Egyptians. They were rather worshipers of nature, living in tribes. This town is a mistery in history, because nobody knows much about them, as they haven´t left information about themselves. When the Hittite arrived, they dominated everything and lthe Hattic legacy was lost.
I remembered then that in a few maps I did about the antiquity of Mediterranean, in the region of Anatolia, I located a village with the name of Hittai, who, I said, were prior to Hittite.
That caught my attention, because it confirmed another of my memories about the history of the area.
The guide told us something about the place, but nothing really value as our path demanded.
We went climbing sectors on the way, because the ancient city was situated in a valley between mountains, and in our second stop, we were able to visit one of the places that most caught our attention.
Our guide also mentioned something that matched our way:
"These stones come from a quarry kilometers on the other side of the hills, but however, some have been estimated between 30 and 50 toneladas… no donkey to load these stones." "In addition, as well cut, perfectly"
Its slices reminded us to MachuPicchu, to Kaimanawa… and we felt that it was used the same technology in all those sites: the sound.
The sound connected the construction of all the great mysteries of history.
In the Centre, there was a ceremonial place, where we noticed something: in the Centre, outdoors, a stone didn´t fit with the rest.
"And that stone?-we asked surprised."
_ Is not known - he replied - but surely, as it is interpreted, it was brought with ceremonial motifs and worship.
We didn't know, as always, up to where historians really knew. Many people who analyze the history, do the same as us: create hypothesis, and base on them. The only differences between them and us, are that they have more time, more titles (directly, they have a title), and consequently, a working group that follows the supossition. We didn't have neither time, nor team or titles, then our assumptions were not serious.
Pero this stone told us something we could read in its smooth, soft, large vibration… as a block, square and greenish.
It didn´t fit with all the other stones and rocks around, and told us it was the only one found in the area.
When we got to the Lions, we understood that they didn´t have in itself nothing to tell us, but to show us. They were the guardians of this ancient city Hatti, Hittite, and our message was really behind its doors.
In a single day, they had shown us the eyes, and the serpent. It was time to meet that same eye that milleniums ago was there waiting to be conscious again.
Green eyes had given us the clue to find us with this Green rock, and the mountain ranges of the world, to find the serpent that unites us. The Hattusha lions were custodians of a secret energy affecting the serpent of light. There were its blind eyes.
This beautiful and smooth green rock which was in the heart of the old city, after passing the door of the Lions, was the great eye of the serpent.
Its texture was smooth and radiated heat in a very different way comparing with the rest of the stones. I felt that I had to embrace it tightly and wrap it in our energy field.
For a moment I stopped being on it and felt its radiating warmth.
As in Saqqara told us, there we would find the eyes of the serpent, and doing so consciously, this one could see.
Many associate the snake with an animal creeping and malevolent, closely associated with cults, Illuminati, masons, Satanic, etc. However, the image of the snake got that negative connotation after the power of Christianity, that considered all the old images as pagan. Ancient traditions had snakes as an animal representative of wisdom, medicine, an animal that belonged to the Earth and knew it due to be so close. That´s why that many wise people or ancient traditions, used its shape and name as coat of power and as an emblem of knowledge. But when monotheism brought the control, pictures of animals were taken with smear and punished as Satanic images that went against God. Since that time, the world observed these animals in the same way that Christians observed people who were against their totalitarian policies, the owners of those symbols.
Today Christian tradition remains even in those who believe to be against it, believing that the image of the Snake is a symbol of destruction and global control.
However, the snake represents the telluric energy of light that moves around the world activating the energy and vitality, connecting those who inhabit its loin to the length and width of the planet. Its eyes light up the spirit of the mountains, but some time ago that serpent closed his eyes, which brought along their mountainous body, big problems, conflict, control and war, for humanity.
It was time to open serpent eyes. Holding this stone, depositing our conscience and mentioning this framework of reality, in order to turn on serpent eyes and activate its light from this moment on.
If the eyes open, their light would move mountains, and would co-create new realities in all the lands that surround its form.
Turkey, Syria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Turkmenistan, China, Tibet, Bhutan, Mongolia, Russian Siberia, Alaska, Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, included the route of this serpent of light.
All these countries moved this light through the mountains, and all would open its eyes.
After feeling the energy of that eye of stone, we went to a site that caught our attention. It was a small lake in the South of Ankara. It may wasn´t very touristic, just a place where people of the capital lie on weekends, but its name told us its importance in our journey.
Eye was cleared when it was respected again, and conscience should anchor in its head to keep active. We couldn´t let a Towei Lumbar in Hattusha ruins, because there wasn´t a place to put it where it could be safe, without nobody ´d take it out , but a name gave us a clue:
Gölbaşi. When we asked its meaning, the guide told us: "it means Lake of the head".
The Dragon, the snake that comes from Asia, the Plexus, opens its mouth towards Europe, and shows us its eyes in the center of Anatolia. There, between Hattusha and Ankara, should go the key… but… what key?
When arose Turkey in halfway, I said to myself that this key stayed there, or I didn´t take it to Greece. The key of Xian had a power that belonged to the pyramids of the area, its constellations and the ancestral village of the Taklamakan, custodians of the pyramids, the Uyghurs.
The statement there was strong: _ "nothing stays here of what these lands were, today they must be destroyed to regenerate, and no conscience must be anchored here today."
When we were in Turkey, we decided to leave the key there, so that energetic force of Asia doesn´t enter in Europe, because it was very different to the way of Isis we´d started here.
But on that same day, we got a great surprise. Among the routes of Hattusha and Gölbasi, we have told the Guide about our project, talking about each country, China and our views on that country. And at the end of those comments, he told a story that filled us with joy in the mystery of Harwitum way:
"_Time ago I went to China, and there I had a surprise: a kid approached to me and he had nothing to do the Chinese, his eyes, colour, nothing. What I knew there is that this people is much older than the Chinese and that they have inhabited this territory for a long time. "His face was very similar to my people, and it demonstrated that the Turks are related with China because they previously lived there..." He began to tell us that the Turks, actually reached the current Turkey in aproximately 1300, from territories such as Tibet, Gobi, Turkmenistan, China…
Then I immediately asked: "Do you know to the Uyghurs?"
And his answer was: "Sure!" They are our most distant ancestors! "That´s why this child was similar to us, the Uyghur even speak very similar to Turkish language, because we come from them…"
This made us wake up a joy inside. The story made sense. The key of Xian didn´t want to stay in a land where the people who inhabited didn´t live there anylonger. In their blood, in a way, part of the Turkish people possessed genes of the custodians of China ancient pyramids, and the key´d be there. It was unconsciously taken by us until the land inhabited by the descendants of that town.
We reached Gölbasi, and the energy of a storm enveloped us. The ancient God Tor, Thunder, lightning, born at the foot of Mount Ararat of ancient Armenia, had traveled the same path that us, and it also resonated in our heads from some weeks ago. For some reason, we felt his energy, and it was because the ancient Turkish people, was related with the name of Tor. He emerged from the East and goberned Anatolia, becoming so important that it was adopted by the Nordic, Saxon and Celtic as one of their supreme gods. Thor, born in Anatolia, whose name is mentioned as the root of the word storm in several languages such as Spanish and english: tormenta (in spanish), storm…
Its energy without a doubt received the key, because without a notice, it appeared a lightning and thunder storm after a sunny and beautiful day.
We reached Gölbasi, and the energy of a storm enveloped us. The ancient God Tor, Thunder, lightning, born at the foot of Mount Ararat of ancient Armenia, had traveled the same path that us, and it also resonated in our heads from some weeks ago. For some reason, we felt his energy, and it was because the ancient Turkish people, was related with the name of Tor. He emerged from the East and goberned Anatolia, becoming so important that it was adopted by the Nordic, Saxon and Celtic as one of their supreme gods. Thor, born in Anatolia, whose name is mentioned as the root of the word storm in several languages such as Spanish and english: tormenta (in spanish), storm…
Its energy without a doubt received the key, because without a notice, it appeared a lightning and thunder storm after a sunny and beautiful day.
Before going towards the Lake, something made me pick up a small stone, that to take it, made me feel inside of me a phrase: "with the dolphins". That sentence didn't make sense at the time, but it did under the rain in the Lake of the head.
Due to the rain, there was nothing available for entering the Lake to deliver the key. Until we find a gentleman who accepted to give us something so we can sail… a small boat with pedals, with the shape of two yellow dolphins … Such thing showed me that despite the tiredness and troubles, yet didn´t loose the connection to the network.
We entered the lake between rain and thunder, and there, on these waters of Gölbasi, gave the key to the power of Thor, throwing it in the center of the serpent head that was beginning to open its eyes.
The stay in Turkey lasted just a day… one of the most intense days of our trip. It was the end of our path by the basic chakras. Once the energy of the snake woke up in the planetary magnetic network within our conscience, it was time to recognize the energy that feeds this snake, this Dragon, activate it and raise her, awakening the energy of the heart, trying to understand the purpose of the transit by our next destination and its proximity to Turkey.
Greece was a step of distance and that step was again Istanbul. After we made a leap of conscience in the neuralgic point of the breakup energy of Asia and Europe, we could finally enter completely in the vibration of the heart of the planet.
Greece was a step of distance and that step was again Istanbul. After we made a leap of conscience in the neuralgic point of the breakup energy of Asia and Europe, we could finally enter completely in the vibration of the heart of the planet.
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