The Social Thyroid: New York
While Diego was on his way to Spain to restart with his tour through the planetary Heart, I should continue towards Canada. But a day earlier, that program would change.
As we were told in the beginning, we shouldn´t cling to what we had planned for the Harwitum Way, because this would change depending on our own changes...
Many sites had been redirected on our walk, and the entrance to America would be one of them.
Two days before my departure, one of the persons that economically helps more to sustain Harwitum, got in touch with me. He would be at New York City just on 20th, and expected to see me.
For some reason, when I was a child I always felt sad because I use to think that I would never get to visit... two of them that I used to mention were Jerusalem and New York. Both cities had no attraction for my personality, but I knew that these two cities would give me something.
Jerusalem helped us to understand the secrets of the Path of Isis that were fundamental in the journey through the Heart. And New York was about giving to me something interesting that I ignored so far.
One of these keys was that, for the ancient ones, the Great Cow was the generator of life in the Universe, and that her milk created the stars. Cosmic fertility was embodied on Earth, and the ancients knew that the Great Cow was North America, specifically the actual United States territory, a land of prosperity, fertility and possibilities. Taking this into account, and observing the geography of USA as a Great Cow, my question was: which place does the New York occupy in the cow´s body?
And the answer was obvious: the throat of the stretched neck. New York represents the thyroid in a social level, a place of communication, of expression, was the key from a message to the world.
Despite how attractive the city may seem to many people, I had just come from a country where there isn´t more than 300 thousand inhabitants... and arrived in a city where there are 300 thousand in only one block. And my magnetic field didn´t tolerate it. I spent most of the time in the city lying under a tree in Central Park, between rocks, near the water... away from people... With the only ones that I felt I could interact were the squirrels.
Anyway, when I got to the hotel, something happened that left me in shock for a long time. I arrived at the hotel, I took my reservation, and when the girl read my name... she looked at me and asked: are you Matías from Youtube!?
The next day, under the door of the room, I received a letter, this time written by the Manager of the Hotel, who was grateful for all the work done and said he was there for whatever I may require.
A full page of gratitude that made me feel disconcerted... Seeing that there were also people that were following Harwitum, and having met them in my first 5 minutes at New York, made me understand that my brief visit to the city would make some sense.
On the day 21st, while I went to rest at the Park, there was a moment in the morning when I felt that my field was expanded, I felt the trees, and I could see and perceive how the entire city came into my field. I felt dizzy and I fall asleep on the grass. Later, I came back to the hotel after spending the entire day out and I got in touch with my Argentinean friends who asked me:
"Did you go to the meditation? Which one?"
At Time Square, due to the summer solstice, there was a meeting that morning of 14 thousand people to do a great meditation and energy activities.
Now I understand why my field had felt such broad and flexible with the whole city... It was incredible that just that same day, such a meditation has been carried out. Something was being prepared on the road.
Since its independence, in 1776, the United States had left a legacy stamped in the world’s conscience: Freedom.
And this message is given by an image that all the world desolated immigrants observe by entering the country from the Atlantic Ocean: the Statue of Liberty.
"When the three pigeons fly..."
That simple message she received when she was walking by Rosario, was:
"...when the three pigeons fly..."
Months later, we had to make an impressive journey with her and Diego that on another occasion I will have the grace to tell. While we were singing Disney songs (she´s a deep lover of United States), we performed, without realizing it, a triangle on the solar plexus of Argentina: from Capilla del Monte to Santa Fe, from there to Río Cuarto, and again to Capilla del Monte.
This triangle was a clearance and freedom time for the three of us, especially for her, who was the first time she ventured into one of our trips.
While we were already in the river of Rio Cuarto, the three of us went to the water, and without saying anything, we did what each one had to do, and we all complemented each other. The messages received were about these three pigeons that had began to fly, that they should be free, and it was there where a being explained why the dove became the symbol of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit.
When the beings spoke about the Self and the connection to everything and the spirit in the matter, they showed the symbol of light of the Solar Plexus, and that light triangle seemed to radiate with beautiful waves that resembled the flight of three doves, the three sides of the triangle. This way the humans took that symbol.
We were making conscious the story of the plexus and physically the Plan made us move in just one day by all that territory, activating the Argentine Plexus in consciousness. There we were told something that would be a key to understand many things:
"The doves have flown, and their names are Freedom, Freedom, Freedom"
(These words are in the Argentine National Hymn).
But this beautiful task wouldn´t end here. She was told:
"When the three pigeons fly, three messages will be delivered in three different destinations..."
The next part of the message was delivered, and we had to know what was this referring to.Like with everything else, we let the information settle down and waited for the road to show us the answer.
A year later, in one of Tina´s favourite cities, looking at the Statue of Liberty, I´d understand the rest of the message.
Her face told me she was a strong woman, holding a heavy weight. The French gave as a gift to the United States a great woman who wields the flame of freedom. This woman, designed and built part by part by the famous Eiffel, became a focus of hope for humanity. But it shouldn’t be the only one.
The Keys of Enoch
The strange book of Enoch is written and canalized by James Hurtak, which speaks about the Plan, the history and the future of humanity from the galactic and universal vision, dedicates a big part to a fundamental issue for America, what he calls: THE DOVES. He says that energetically, North America and South America are two large pigeons, one facing the other, joining in a small dove, Central America.
Three doves… when the three doves fly... in three different places will be given the message...
Freedom... Freedom, freedom...
B ut if the Great Dove we had activated in the Heart of Europe belonged to the Fleur de Lis, whose centre is France, the country that gave base to the Republics and social rights in the Americas, promoting and feeding their independence, this implied that the same energy wanted to go to America to wake up the Three Doves under the French song of Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité...!
That is, Liberty, Fraternity, Equality... Apart from being a hymn to the expression and social revolution, the three words are representative of the Holy Trinity, of the three prongs of the Fleur de Lis, whose messages should be delivered in America so the different energy from these continents could process it. The work had begun, putting the First Colossus Woman of the North Dove in the throat chakra. The Freedom Woman. Eiffel built more than an emblem, but a vortex of freedom conscience right in the Thyroid, in the World´s Communication.
That is, Liberty, Fraternity, Equality... Apart from being a hymn to the expression and social revolution, the three words are representative of the Holy Trinity, of the three prongs of the Fleur de Lis, whose messages should be delivered in America so the different energy from these continents could process it. The work had begun, putting the First Colossus Woman of the North Dove in the throat chakra. The Freedom Woman. Eiffel built more than an emblem, but a vortex of freedom conscience right in the Thyroid, in the World´s Communication.
But then I realized something... Architecture and the constructions in the world generated such a vibration that anchors a powerful frequency as an image for people, and in this case, in the Americas, there was only one of the three names of the three doves.
They were still missing the other two Colossus Women to turn on the other two Pigeons!.
Fraternity and Equality should exist sometime in Central America and South America...
So... the three pigeons will fly. When the three pigeons fly... it will mean that the awakening of the Americas' conscience has come, that the change and the detachment has started, that the Earth’s vibration pattern is moving, the Continental lands may extend their wings... but this will became conscious for millions if three messages are delivered in three different places...
i.e. if three Colossus Women would protect the doors of the Americas.
It may possibly seem nonsense... but everything we do it is.
From the top of the Empire State building, I connected with the light of the entire city, and singing a soft sound, I meditated at the top to wrap with our consciousness the entire city and the statue.
This land should change, but its conscience keeps us connected. They should only get rid of the hidden patterns that control the world, its economy, its desire of power and superiority, and their voice would be really heard.
Freedom, freedom, freedom...
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