This Saturday August 4, all together we have a big job to do.
New Solar Storms will drive, from the Center of the Galaxy and our system, a different frequency, leading to the beginning of a rise in vibration that will reconnect us with a new Time-Space.
What we are requested to do is to create together in conscience a network capable of allowing that frequency to move around the planet.
In early June this year, near Avebury, England, a Crop Circle appeared that announced by a clock, a date and exact times of an event, for which we should be setting the stage. On August 4 at some minutes past 17 hours GMT, a frequency will descend from the sun, and those that resonate with it will allow it to flow throughout the world.
So I share with you this great task that together we must do:
3 golden spirals will be activated at three points on the planet. If you are in any of these regions I will mention, watch out for what to do with this energy.
The Golden Spiral is a geometric proportion of the universe through which all realities are projected (as Snails). Proportions are endless, and they will be used as flow to the magnetic currents entering the world.
From the volcano of Mount Teide in Tenerife, some people will be anchoring this frequency by sending it to the region showed in the map below, attracting from the Canary Islands the energy from the sun and earth, propelling it to Rome. There, in the Italian capital, other people will be doing the opening of the Great Key of Time where this golden spiral ends: the Vatican.
If you are in the passage of these energies (Canary Islands, Azores, England, France, Switzerland, Italy), or in the center of the spiral (Iberia), focus on mobilizing the energy where you feel it creating a network, connecting in the way you feel it all the points that intersect in such a spiral, like mountains, temples, cathedrals ... if you can even be physically at those sites at 17 hs of England time will be much more powerful this network.
From the volcano of Big Island of Hawaii,some people will be anchoring this frequency by sending it to the region showed in the map below, attracting from the Hawaii the energy from the sun and earth, propelling it to Mexico City.There, in the Mexican capital, other people will be doing the the activation energy of the Pacific in the center of the Old Wise Being, at the end of the golden spiral: the Metropolitan Cathedral, Tenochtitlan.
If you are in the passage of these energies (Hawaii, western Canada, western U.S., central Mexico), or you are in the same Capital City in Mexico D.F, focus on mobilizing the energy where you feel it creating a network, connecting in the way you feel it all the points that intersect in such a spiral, like mountains, temples, cathedrals ... if you can even be physically at those sites at 17 hs of England time will be much more powerful this network.
From the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador, some people will be anchoring this frequency by sending it to the region showed in the map below, attracting from the Galapagos Islands the energy from the sun and earth, propelling it to Titicaca Lake. There, in the Isla del Sol,other people will be doing the opening of the Great Woman consciousness, where this golden spiral ends: at the Island of the Sun.
If you are in the passage of these energies (Galapagos, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia Center, Western Amazon, southeastern Peru and western Bolivia) or in the center of the spiral (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru),focus on mobilizing the energy where you feel it creating a network, connecting in the way you feel it all the points that intersect in such a spiral, like mountains, temples, cathedrals ... if you can even be physically at those sites at 17 hs of England time will be much more powerful this network.
CANARY ISLANDS: Promote energy from the sun and earth towards the spiral, directing it to Rome.
SPAIN and PORTUGAL: radiate the energy of the spiral into all directions from where you are.
ENGLAND: send the frequency of the earth through the spirit of humanity.
FRANCE: activate the Lis Flower through the Eiffel Tower.
SWITZERLAND: drive from the heart to Italy.
ITALY: turn the Time Key, connected in the Vatican.
UNITED STATES: Promote the awareness
MEXICO: irradiating light from the north to the plexus in the capital.
PANAMA: be the nexus between the Northern Being Energy and the Southern Vision.
VENEZUELA: to revive the violet flame by sending it from the Andes to the Titicaca.
COLOMBIA: Radiating the sun from Bogota into the whole spiral.
ECUADOR: connect the Galapagos energy to the southern Andes.
PERU: focus on the Spirit and its connection to the earth
BOLIVIA and PERU: activate the Crown, sending light and consciousness toward the center of Titicaca
CHILE, ARGENTINA and URUGUAY: bring through circles of sound all that energy into every city, mountain, wherever you are and feel it , to anchor that frequency in the Great Women.
This day August 4 begins a process of reconnection of Time and Space on another level, so together we start, but from this day onwards, we all must sustain these activations at least every 7 days.
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