A sudden dream wakes him up at night; he only remembers how strong that word sounded: "SUMATRA". That's how Diego woke up the first day in Cape Town. Without knowing what Sumatra is, he began to remember the dream when he spoke to me.
"It's an island of Indonesia, near Bali, where we are already going, I answered." Then the images begin to appear: a man under Japan with a bow in hand. The bow points up and the arrow is fired and he listens and appears written on the walls of his dream the word : SUMATRA. What did that mean?
He felt that we should not go to Cambodia, that the place to go was Sumatra. I resonated very much with this as, when I was a little boy I used to stare to a small lake that is there, precisely on that island.
Rapidly we begin to investigate and Gaby discovered that it was Lake Toba, “the boiler”, the world's largest crater. And followed by this we learned that when the great volcano erupted, it almost completely extinguished the human race, only a few thousand people survived. They say the Earth was darkened for several days as the ashes covered the Sun light.
All this resonated to me even more when, for my love for geography and what this science tells, I noticed that what Diego was saying was congruent: the man with the bow was the Philippines Islands and if this man would point up the bow as would do it an archer, the arrow would fall in Sumatra.
He also said that he recognized Sagittarius in that shape, it was to similar. Then we thought about the age of Sagittarius, and I told him that from my records I remember these: it is the time when the Plan begin to take shape in the Pacific and the Indic with the water civilizations.And that after the migration due to climate change, Pacific people migrated across the Indic through the Indonesian islands. Having gone as far from their islands, the legend said that they knew their time had come after the eruption of the great volcano of the Indonesian islands.
Also Maga added: "look through the labors of Hercules". Where there is great similarity for us with the story: "In this work, the Master presents to Hercules the task of going to the Estinfale Swamp, inhabited by some very destructive birds. Once discovered, Hercules must drive them out the place. But the Master, before Hercules departure, utters some cryptic words to help him to achieve his goal: The flame that shines beyond the mind reveals the sure direction."
Hercules walks for a long time searching until he reaches the fetid swamp of Estinfale. There, a flock of birds squawked making a threatening noise and dissonant. Viewed more closely, these birds were big and ferocious and had a sharp iron beak like a sword. The claws and feathers were so strong they could do pieces to passers by.
Three birds perceive the presence of Hercules, rush on him but the hero defends himself. Hercules stops there to reflect on how to release that place from these birds of prey.
He thought about traps and arrows, until he could devise a good method. Hercules had two cymbals that produced a deafening sound and intolerable. He begins to hit them again and again in the swamp, doing such dissonant noise that the birds fled from there in a hurry never to return.
This way the silence floods the swamp and the sun shines again in this land. Here's how it ends this ninth Hercules test. " What makes us feel that this story teached us is: the advice given to Hercules in order to recognize the direction of his way, and how the sound of the birds represent the eruption of the volcano which brought a long night, that, after Hercules' finding the solution in the sound, he brings back the sunlight (the clouds from the eruption retired).
Toba is considered a link that led to a twist in the history of mankind. It is important that together we can recover an awareness of what this land has to offer, and to move the tuning to cause a new twist to Evolution.
The arrival
Our arrival on the island of Sumatra was traumatizing. We were coming from a completely harmonious and peaceful island, where energy flowed caressing with honor and gratitude, and landing in Medan was like crashing back to reality.
The name of Sumatra was given by Marco Polo, who actually gave the name of "Suma Terra": that is, the Supreme Earth or Larger. This island represents the outcrop of humanity, though at the time, we realized that this essence has been lost in time.
The rest of the western islands of Indonesia, are divided between Catholic and Muslim cultures, which creates a very different one to the Hindu and Buddhist culture of Bali.
There our guide was waiting for us, who had an English level of elementary school and was very difficult to communicate with him, but it was very good driver. He took us on a journey through cities very battered, totally opposite to the energy of Bali, heading Parapat, on the shores of Lake Toba, a journey that would take 4 to 5 hours to complete without stops.
As a joke, we said that we had descended from Paradise to Purgatory, and that had its bases. The whole road had been strangely dense, and most striking was the number of
cemeteries that we crossed on the road beside the route. There were 10 houses on the shore, and a cemetery between them. That image told us about the energy of the island.
Then we found out that the culture of Sumatra has two celebrations as the most important and happy ones: the Wedding and the Funeral. Both of them, the joining and the transmutation, are celebrated in the same way ... indeed, often on the road, we confounded the weddings with the funerals ...
Arriving by ferry to the island was amazing ... navigate the largest crater on Earth, which left the world in darkness for half a month and a part of mankind almost extinct, was overwhelmingly exciting.
That day there was an earthquake in the southern part of Sumatra, which we didn't feel in Toba.
The 21st day was strange, because on arrival we found out that many things had happened. On the 21 in the morning had disappeared the Internet Blog, Facebook wasn't working and no one could post comments, the emails were not comprehensible, and the destinations that we were heading were shaking for lack of funds ... all this in one morning ...
Maga confirmed: "oops ... we're on Mercury Retrograde until early April!"
For those who do not know about astrology, this aspect means that all communications are not working, that everything that you want to be explained is not understood, that any activity to be performed cannot reach its real meaning. Diego was able to recover the Blog and Facebook, but they both were a disaster, people discussing, complaints, hindrance, it was all very illogical… that is why we decided that this was a day that the nature was proposing us to act in silence. The silence was the key to the March 21: Receive with calm, serenity, by listening in our environment the internal truths. It was all jumbled up in the sacrum, and the silence was necessary to reinstate the sanity, and find the center again.
The whole day kept us in a strange tune. In the evening I tried to connect with everyone, all those who were meditating with us in the world. I got into the waters of Lake Toba and I connected with the spiral of vibration that there is in its waters, connecting with those who were tuned with us that day.
The whole day kept us in a strange tune. In the evening I tried to connect with everyone, all those who were meditating with us in the world. I got into the waters of Lake Toba and I connected with the spiral of vibration that there is in its waters, connecting with those who were tuned with us that day.
Being in the water I realized that this day was closing a cycle and beginning another, and resonated in my head: a new Sun.
We were just a step away to enter the solar plexus of the planet, but we could not enter it so easily… we should recognize ourselves first and then activate before being in us.
I knew there that the Towei Lumbar key would not be delivered at dusk as until now, but that here another cycle was beginning, the sunrise cycle.
I knew there that the Towei Lumbar key would not be delivered at dusk as until now, but that here another cycle was beginning, the sunrise cycle.
The dreams that make themselves visible...
Maga commented to us that day a few dreams she had had, where she was shown that Samosir was sustained by blue wands with a white embroidered, and she saw how Toba was closely related to the Lake Baikal in Russia, telling her : "Dive in the waters of Siberia". Doing this we would relate directly with the waters of Antarctica. Soaking in its vibration we could connect with a link to a new frequency of evolution.
Seemed like, whatever we should do there, would imminently trigger something in Baikal. In addition, the woman who managed the hotel where we were staying was coincidentally Russian, the only one visible around.
They also asked her in her dream: You wanted to see the plan? And there she is lifted, and she can see the four of us walking, making a spiral motion in the form of DNA.
Uluru's message was beginning to be real, the dreams will begin to give us the clues ...
We were about to decide that Japan and Taiwan should exit our route by going directly to Russia ... but magically we were informed from the Travel Agency in Barcelona, that thanks to the very good cooperation from many people in those days, we had managed to cover the road thru 3 countries till Nepal! This mobilized us and showed that we could move on.
For some reason we could not avoid going to Japan, but we knew that there is a force that links Siberia with Sumatra.
The next day early in the morning, at half past 6 am, the four head towards the lake, carrying the Sixth Key. We rented two kayaks and we went alone, at dawn, to go further into the lake, which was warm and serene.
We connect with everyone, and we started to sing for the lake and for the key so they became united. Suddenly, I began to turn my arms, sending up a strange spiral. The soft rays of sun were illuminating us, and Diego, with his eyes closed, was rowing in circles the raft . We both realized, when we opened our eyes, we had been doing the same movement without thinking, generating this current. The key was delivered, and we stayed a long time meditating, just letting ourselves be carried away by the waves.
That day was waiting for us with great surprises. This day was lesson we were carrying since Uluru, “Let the time be the one who moves you, instead of trying to controll the time…”
Stories and Legends
With no clear goal, we went with our driver-guide to go around the island. Our intention was to visit the volcano Pusuk Buhit, where, according to the ancient culture of the island, the Bataks, descended supernaturally the first of his men, King of the Batak.
Since from this volcano could be seen the whole island of Samosir, we thought it would be important to connect with its energy.
En route, we stopped to visit the Batak's Museum in Simanindo, a town where most of the natives were located, and where Gaby that morning had found out about a strange tree that was there.
Upon our arrival, an ancestral tribal dance was just beginning and, as was included in the ticket, we went to watch.
The dancers came out of the typical houses of the island, strange high-roofed huts, more like a boat than a roof, looking like gabled, with very significant decorations in their front and balconies, where the musicians used to sat. The colors red, brown and white adorned with fringed forms its timber, and the front, at the top, a huge white sun that seemed to bless the home.
The Batak people has a very special greeting ... they shout HORAS! to welcome and as a gratification. The dance was based on this word that they sing in unison.
The dancers came out, and their clothing reminded us something ... the Ancient Egypt. Some fabrics similar to those worn by Catholic priests hanging from their shoulders in purple, but for them, in burgundy colour; with caps in Papal style or like Egyptian priests, an open cone pointed, colorful robes, dancing with snake smooth movements, making circles in their wrists, torso, with a constant small step vibrant and wavy movements in their hands, connecting the energy of heaven and earth. The rest, while some danced this way, were constantly moving their hands in the form of prayer, but their fingers apart, also moving. The music was awesome ... When the music sounded, it moved something inside us ... that music referred us to the banks of the Nile, with sounds of flutes and drums Egyptian.
Diego was encouraged to dance with them and connect with the energy that their dances moved.
Gaby had investigated some interesting things.
According to history, the Egyptians had had a relationship with Indonesia long before the Christ’s time. The Egyptians had sailed to India and had interacted with the people of Sumatra, reaching also Australia. This story is not told by the official story, but we could observe with the naked eye.
Those who discovered the simple connecting link between the Nile and Sumatra said that this was because the Egyptians used to buy spices to Indonesians, but it wasn’t enough for us.
Undoubtedly the Batak had adopted the Egyptian culture:
We saw their houses with roofs such as Egyptian boats, even in the museum, a boat Batak, identical to those that traveled the Nile River. Their decorations were intermixed. But that wasn´t all. The tombs were crucial in the culture. Every house had at his side a huge pantheon, and most were like their houses, the same roof and doors."Life after Death." Like the Egyptians, the Batak culture built the vehicle of their dead like their houses, even putting rafts on either side, so they can have the same beyond the sun.
The house as the sacred boat that transports us to the divinity after crossing the sea of death. Death was seen as a big party there.
¡Horas! ¡Horas! ¡Horas!
An important detail. The sun, the god, Horas. For them, it was very important the adaptation of the Egyptian god Horus. That, pronounced in Egyptian, sounds like
Horas. The Bataks worshiped the sun's image as a father, creator, and the Egyptians transmitted this image through the idea of Horus, which was easily adapted by the Batak.
This happened also with Christianity. Indonesia is a country multireligious, especially Islamism is the religion of many people in the Western Isles. Sumatra is full of mosques, but nevertheless, in the region of Lake Toba, was only accepted Christianity. The Bataks refused to stop eating pork, law imposed by other religions, as it is their primary food, and they refused to follow a prophet. However, they saw in the image of Jesus, the god Horus: born from the father god, the sun, with the cross as emblem (equinoxes and solstices). Many cultures around the world readily accepted Christianity for this reason: because the Christian movement is based on the mixture of the most ancient myths, later called "pagan" by themselves, and which allow their religion to be flexible in the ancient cultures interpretation about a Sun God which has a cross and came to earth from heaven by a saintly mother.
When visiting the museum, we find that fascinating drawing: the Batak's genealogical tree.
It was preceded in the middle by a Batak house, the being's inner boat, like a heart. Above, the island of Samosir, center of his power and origin, and over this, a map of the Indian Ocean where in the middle, stands an obelisk with a pyramid on top.
Clearly we all knew what that map was speaking about . It was like a guide of their evolution: from the pyramid in the Indian Ocean toward the Samosir island, to build the house.
Aki-Aki, a sun, representing the maternity of the Universe, to the side, confronting other different suns. The tree was very complicated, but explained the calendar and the history of Batak.
Opposite was another, more colorful, in which I was amazed to be able to read many of their graphics!Looked like a very basic Sayonic language, with few syllables graphics, but I showed a clear connection to a very remote past, much more than the known Egypt, when other issues had led the people from the Nile to Indonesia, long before the need of spices ...
In the Museum, there was also something very interesting: two ceremonial staffs which showed more about their relationship with the Nile.
The first one was a man with very Arabic features, turban, mustache and a long face, wrapped with a long snake ...
The second one was completely carved in a light-colored cane, and it was telling stories, calendars ... but we noticed something fundamental in a sector: it had a strange scorpion drawn . That reminded me of the Age of Scorpio, at which time there were Lemurian civilizations that passed through Indonesia. Perhaps, marked the beginning of its history, given that the Toba volcano made them disappear.
And something very striking was also found seen suns in a straight line, and under them, a strange humanoid drawed, but for us it was very clear: a Hathor. This group from the stars brought the tools of the sound to humans, sounds that rise our frequency to the highest ... perhaps the "seventh dimension." What were the Hathors doing there? Possibly one of the things we would have to continue unraveling in our way.
¿Alpha Draconis or Kundalini?
At Waterval Boven, Africa, by Michael Tellinger we recognized that since immemorial time humans spoke of snakes from the sky. There, he calls them Anunnaki, like the ancient Persians of Uruk, men in many cases with snake-like (although by the perception of my memories I disagree that Reptilians and Anunnaki races were the same race) anyway its presence in Africa ,in the culture and the ancestral fears, is longer apparent.
In Australia, the Snake that came from heaven, the Serpent Mother, Kuniya (the Python snake woman) who came to care for their eggs to Uluru, also was a key, because, even though they have been almost pure in the earth away from all interracial conflicts with "aliens", they also recognize these snakes coming into the world, and turning to them in the Snake Men (Wise men), separated from other men snakes, the Liru men, which were bad for humans.
Now, in Sumatra, another link caught our attention.
The Batak people call the Lake Toba by the name of Danau, and its story says that a Serpent Mother, whom they call Siboru Naga, came down from heaven and in her fall she created the Danau, the Toba.
The history of the Draconians is clearly related to the most ancient humans, and that was something that the road seemed to be introducing to understand, speak and unravel, and not as a conspiracy theory, but as part of the recognition of the richness and fascination of our Human History.
Where was leading us this history recognition?
The Volcano of the Sun
When we reached the volcano, we walked down a hillside and mountain forest, untill we were surrounded by trees. Something was calling us from the farest part of this hill, and upon arrival we knew what it was.
There were a few trees burned and fallen, struck by lightning that had plagued the hill not long ago. The rays bring with them a lot of information, and in the charcoal of that wood we could obtain records that would help us to understand further links of this strange road.
We meditated there connecting with the energy of the place, and Diego was told a long history that made us understand even more about the reason for our presence there, and about the things we were discovering.
The question will be ... What should we do about this?
Lo que se le fue dicho a Diego
Muy parecido a este |
What was said to Diego.
When we could go down and we sat in front of that volcano that, for the Batak people was the source of the connection to the stars, just when I sat down and closed my eyes, a strange boat appeared before me, a boat of Egyptian style, where two rowers were in the front and two in the back part.
Through the mist I could start to see that, in the middle of this small but long boat, two Kings were coming. Something struck me: they were human like, they seemed physically like Indonesians, but had a much thicker and wrinkled skin. I asked one of the masters who accompanied me, Artus, who has helped me to understand much of what I had had to live, if they were Reptilians or Draconians.....No, he replied ... and he said, "they come from even more far away", and I saw then a great and beautiful galaxy, and I knew it was Andromeda.
They began to tell me why these beings of Andromeda were there ... they said the place was a meeting place, where Galactic Federation had called to clarify one of the topics that in the future would bring more than an experience to the Earth.
They told the reason for the visit of the Egyptians to the area, this began to make the pieces of the puzzle come together in the history of mankind. The Great Meeting had a great topic to discuss ... tenía un Gran Tema que tratar…
A new galactic night was beginning, and not all the representatives of the great civilizations that held wisdom on Earth had responded to this call.
The topic at hand: the passage of the beings of Alpha Draconis to Earth without any permission from the Confederation, the alliances that they were doing with groups of humans and the interests they were bringing, was something that seemed to worry many.
They had passed through the portals that connected us with Andromeda, after having wanted to enter this galaxy to conquest it and not being able to do so. Already knowing most of these portals, they have been able to reach the Earth from behind the scenes.
The representatives of Andromeda, who inhabited these lands, said in that debate that they do not have anything to do with the entry of the Draconians to our planet. Indeed, they had fought battles so that they do not accede to their planetary systems.
But something had gone wrong, because they could access by their "routes" to the Earth.
Estatua en D.F. México |
In that meeting were discussing humans that had came from the doubly Ancient Egypt, Australia, Antarctica and Asia; Beings from the Confederation Commands and the Andromedans, on which all eyes were focused.
There were empty spaces, as Africa and Central America were already connected with Alpha Draconis.
The great concern was that these sites had been already used by these beings and nothing could be done, only to begin to organize and agree on the procedure to follow. Closing the portals was not enough, you had to go after them, but they were not alone ... there were human groups supporting them and the galatic night was beginning.
Only a a group of men could "hunt" them ... I begin to see a kind of castle in the mist ... it was something very old, that sounded like Avalon. These men were the only ones prepared with the necessary strength to face the "infiltrators". They were called Knights, and on their shields they had the Dragon that would eat the other Dragon, engulfing it.
The Confederation could not take sides in the planet's acting, as the Earth must regulate itself and if they would face with the Alpha Draconis ones they would also faced the humans who accompanied them. Only men, humans, could start the "hunt". Thus, these Knights were distributed by the world, carrying his legacy to the present.
The Arcturians, based on the decrees of the Confederation, began settling crystals that resetted the portals and acted as filters for the energetic frequency they carried.
The Confederation also began a hunt for these beings without making to much noise, although there were human witnesses to this and they have written and even carved
statuettes (beings with forms not very human), "in Central America you will see it", I been told.
It was a time where Earth was being submerged in the mists of oblivion ... The galactic night was beginning... and the direction of our world was beginning a period of uncertainty ...
Lo que me dijeron a mí What I was told
While they were talking to Diego about the treaty of this Earth, as interdimensional portal, they were talking to me also of another part thereof.
They told me that, to connect me with the story, I should take a tree and connect it with my third eye ... Right next to me there was a 5 cm pine that had fallen from the same tree burned. I took a coal, and I put the little pine tree in my forehead.
There, nature connected me with the telluric levels of the volcano records and I saw a story.
I was told that for men and women of the stars, this place was a former Interdimensional Portal linking the Mother Sun to the Father Sun.
The legends told thousands of years ago that, when the heavenly parents and brothers came down from the stars, many portals were opened in our world, and many beings had entered and drew its energy. The planet began to regulate itself, as so much energy could damage the surface. The center of the planetary energy regeneration was the land we now know as Indonesia, and many were going there to get this information, but when the planet needs to be regulated, is in this sector where it rearranges itself.
When the portals were all open, and any energy could enter and leave the world through star channels, the world had to channel all that energy to regulate the vibration and protect itself.
Humans dreamed of this and told the stars beings. This was how everyone knew that their time on the surface was to end.
It was discussed about closing the intergalactic doors, but the planetary flow was rearranged . The energy of the Earth was transmuted into the Indonesian islands leading to the outcrop of the Mother Sun, the planet's internal Sun, to radiate by connecting its light with the Father Sun (the great eruption). This generated a lot of energy that came from Sumatra, causing the Toba explosion. The fire and the ashes ended up with the world of portals, and for one month, the shadows blocked the frequency of the Earth. The mother sun covered the sky to meet the father sun, and close the doors to the men of heaven.
Since then, the human people expected to see the new sun resurgence.
I was told that Australia's energy drives the gestation that gets its form in the constant renewal of Indonesia, and that these lands were the Ladder to the Being's reconnection. The direct passage between Uluru and Tibet, an avoidable step that regulates energy the World.
He said we could only transcend that ancient regulation within us if we were to observe properly in our brain. I was told to observe ... and opened my eyes in front of me had a very small pineapple ... the pineal.
He said we could only transcend that ancient regulation within us if we were to observe properly in our brain. I was told to observe ... and opened my eyes in front of me had a very small pineapple ... the pineal.
The history of the islands of Indonesia are a great mystery which gradually will be revealed to us to understand the importance of what they offer to the whole world.
The messages we received on this site as a crossroads of civilizations seeking treaties to regulate the portals of the Earth, being this the geography that shapes us, that transmutes us, which has led us into a new cycle of humanity, had been arming a path connecting the world from its more distant history, as well as its waters and currents of the Earth.
Our passage through the islands helped us take to the energy of that history, recognizing that the waters of Antarctica, Toba and Baikal maintain a natural connection that is related to changes in our DNA, being the interstellar portals of energy that has shaped us as a species, guiding the footsteps of legends and stories of our evolution that now seem absurd, but that gradually begin to clarify to understand where we locate with these truths to rebuild the future.
While Sumatra keeps moving, the Earth will continue regenerating and taking care of herself; while Indonesia keeps moving its energy flows, humanity will have the opportunity to continue to evolve as it has done so far.
But before reaching the reconnection of these waters and the union of our fields with Tibet and Baikal, the path had to show us the importance that the Fire Dragon had in our history and inside ourselves. I heard from all the stories we have been told: "the passage of the Oceanic waters will give you the drive to recognize yourselves as individuals in the great personality of humanity that flows from Tibet, but you cannot enter such power without making ascend the inner Dragon Fire, which will trigger the Inner Being that makes you Divine "...
This is why the next step leads us to the Earth's Grand Dragon: Japan.