ECádiz is the port from which the heartbeats of the planet are impulsed. Is the planetary blood portal that can be transformed into light. This is one of the first portals to carry the new frequency from Europe to the planet.
After leaving Sevilla, we depart that night to Cadiz to perform the requested task in that city the following day. As we already explained, Sevilla bears the Archives of the Indies, all the acts and decrees of the Inquisition and conquest, and Cadiz was the gateway to the "New World", where through action the karmic status is materialized, giving as a result these documents.
As usually happens, we did not know how or where our labour would take place so we started to wander through the old city searching for clues and connections. From the New World street, we surrounded the city with the sea on our right side, until we reached the Cathedral. We discover there "The Arc of the Rose", a symbolism of the Path of Woman and the feminine essence, placed were in the past used to be a chapel; from there we walked to Santiago Street, another connection to the Path, because Santiago was who accompanied and protected Maria Magdalena (concerning the Path of Woman on Earth), and we ended at the Plaza de la Candelaria where in the past was an ermit. In the square, there was a fountain decorated with fish and lions, from which water flowed and curiously was guarded by four women. Matias collected water in that source as he was told in Montserrat about the chalice when he heard "take my chalice to Cadiz" and he was showed an aljibe (a cistern) in the courtyard of the Santa Cova where he collected 5 different flowers, the only ones that were nearby . And based on that message received in Montserrat, Matias placed in a bowl the water from the source along with the flowers of Montrat.
Then we walked through the old town, and leaving the Santiago street we continued walking through Santo Cristo street, (by the way, that was very co-incidentally); we took after the Manzanares street until the end which finally was in the Argentina street . All the way up the latter street, we find columns with standing women statues and while doing this tour we saw in the sky some clouds in a fan shape spreading fire tongues that were becoming more and more alive, as if the fire was gaining strength every moment. We felt it was part of the signals, which showed us the way to the port, and analyzing the shape we realized that bordered the entrance of the river in the bay. And along the harbor, past the statue of Gades (last woman who joined us) and we finish the tour the three of us sitting, meditating and offering what was done in Seville, at the mouth of the river, which curiously seems in a sunny day like "a Silver little cup": the
cup may be a silver chalice and this symbol connected us to Argentina, The Silver Land ... more co-incidencies as would say our friend Javier.
Links a tener en cuenta
Cadiz: La ciudad fue fundada con el nombre de Gádir, es decir, "castillo", "fortaleza" o, en general, "recinto murado" en fenicio...Según la mitología griega, el nombre provendría del rey atlante Gadiro, gobernante de la región de Gadeira, hijo de Poseidón y hermano de Atlas... Hércules fue fundador de la ciudad... el camino que unía Gades, o Cadiz con el resto de la península y con roma, la más larga e importante vía romana, se llamaba vía Hercúlea, y más tarde, Vía Augustea(sacado de wikipedia... otra vez Hércules y los dioses)