LThe lands of Pretoria, in the Northeast of South Africa, are considered the Cradle of Humankind, lands where they have found the oldest traces of the primitive humans ... This was where we were heading, with the aim of giving aid to the liberation of all History of Humanity ... in other words, to press the coccyx of the planet and move the pelvis of the world.
The people of Africa showed us the clear picture of the life of the Base Chakra, but not from the density, but from the joy ... people laughing, dancing in the streets, their movements so soft and telluric, were giving force to the life impulse just by seeing this great breed of our origins.
This impulse took us there to recover the lost memory about the reason of this breed's historical and present suffering, and how to help humanity to release from its most distant past.
For this reason we drove to Pretoria in order to meet with Credo Mutwa, a Zulu sangoma years that, with great wisdom, talks about the true story born in Africa. Despite this, once there we found out that he had moved too far away, and that his age and blindness in one eye were preventing him from helping us........Then Diego realized that Credo may not had "all the whole vision" and would not really help us. Everything seemed to be failing there, until our tour guide, who did not last long due to her invasive nature, said she had got an appointment with Mr.Tellinger, what we believed was much more complicated. It was great this news regarding to contact Michael Tellinger, who would surprised us with his discoverings.
Harwitum with Michael
Waterval Boven
We had discovered long time ago about some ruins found in a village near the border with Swatzilandia, where we thought was the basis of humanity. Upon our arrival Michael, the place custodian, told us what it really meant this place. There the first human colony was created, but no one lived there ... It was a surprise all the discoveries that Michael had to tell. That place had not been a single settlement, which had attracted us because it was about 200,000 years old and was an ancient megacity semi-buried , but had been home to the breed that changed our race, which had manipulated our internal history for its own purposes. These buildings weren't homes but instruments that functioned on the basis of sound, the universal principle, for their own purposes.
After the long talk with Tellinger, we were all surprised, since while reconnecting with the place, we and they learned a lot. They came to tell us that in these years that they have brought and received people wanting to interview them or to know what was happening there, we were the most connected ones and who seemed to know most about the subject.
There we could made new discoveries and acknowledgments, of which the highlight was: "we have come to heal an ancient humanity, but what we discovered heals the present humanity: how a basic tool like the sound was the basis of our creation, but then was the tool for our control and domain, and we can now recognize these same tools to help us evolve. "
Then the key was not to heal ancestral humans, but to recognize the history, make it conscious, and heal it in the present, building the future with the wisdom of the ancient legacy. The legacy they have left for us.
Desde una de las Grandes Máquinas de Sonida
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