As we already said, Tenerife is the Heart Chakra, and staying there gave us the impetus to connect with the Heart of the Earth, Europe. Much of the time spent at the Canary Islands was there, under the energy of the planetary thymus protection. Also this island is the reflection, in a galactic level, of the Antares star, in the constellation Scorpio, the heart of the neighborhood stars. We knew what the motive was, the role and even the energy that this land was offering to us. What we did not know, as always happened, is how we should act in that place ... just a sneaking suspicion, by the vibration we felt from the innermost, that we should go to the stunning volcano that guards the island. Just that. And not because of any decree or statement received, but for "feeling", what we always tell you to do ... do not ask what to do ... feel it and go after it.
So, without any further delay that a little sleep over, we organized and we departed the six of us to the feet of this giant. The journey till there was in silence, as if each one did a deep insight to pose a reconnection to the universe we all carry inside our hearts ...
Once there, we headed for a steep, where many tourists were taking their souvenir photos, and we saw a large group of rocks emerging from the depths of the ground, in a rather particular form ... that rapidly reminded us the Montserrat area ... and we asked Nidia what that peculiar monument was ... She answered to us: this is called "the cathedral", and our astonishment was greater when we remember that Alcho, our friend, had channeled some months ago a message that said "build cathedrals in your heart" ... and there we were in front of the catedral, in the heart of the islands, well prepared to align our own hearts.
Each one took the place where he/she belonged ... and in a very free way we set out to connect with that inner temple that so many have professed ... we can say that these minutes were of a great ecstasy of heartbeats, that, as more as we were getting connected, the more became in the sacred place that connects us all and were we always come back. Again in a very synchronous way, we all finished just about the same instant, and we returned back together to continue the day and the remaining task ...
We tried to climb the volcano's mouth but it was too late, so we felt that we should walk back to the feet of "the great " vulcano ... the landscape resembled quite the Tuzgle area in Argentina, where we had been sent months ago. Even the presence of similar bushes, which formed a large circle where we sat. And together we connected the same way that the place connects with the three great hearts: the one that is in the center of the Earth, the one in the surface and the one in the center of the galaxy, just by placing the fingertips of our larger fingers one with each other, forming that circle, we entered the frecuency of the planetary alignment that was already decreted.
And so all these minds together in this moment, together as a big wave, were contributing with the fuel required in the day when all hearts were to be aligned. Once completed, at least for that moment, we experienced the energy of being fulfilled.
Una canción que resonó durante todo el día...
*Desde Tenerife los Caminantes de HARWITUM nos dan las indicaciones para comenzar un nuevo trabajo, reconectando con nuestro corazón. Desde el volcan Teide comienza la meditacion de alineación.
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*Desde Tenerife los Caminantes de HARWITUM nos dan las indicaciones para comenzar un nuevo trabajo, reconectando con nuestro corazón. Desde el volcan Teide comienza la meditacion de alineación.
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*Desde Tenerife los caminantes de HARWITUM nos cuentan sus experiencias en las Islas Canarias, una emisión especial junto al grupo, donde te enteraras de todos los detalles y ademas Matias nos cuenta sobre las LLaves.
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