Name: Sahasrara.
Meaning: thousandfold.
Element: thinking.
Main theme: the understanding.
Purpose: expansion of consciousness.
Colour: white, or gold.
Planet: Uranus.
Food: best fasting.
Right: to know.
Stones: amethyst, diamond, sapphire, quartz, white or transparent moonstone.
Animals: elephant, ox, bull.
Operating principle: consciousness.
Archetypes: the wise, the Sibyl (witch, clairvoyant), Siva.
The 7th chakra is called Saharara, the flower of a thousand petals. Controls the cerebral cortex. Related to consciousness, perception, divinity, god or goddess, the spirit, emptiness, learning, intelligence and information. This is the top of the chakra column, where quietly flourishes the thousand-petalled lotus at the top of our heads. Is associated with the cosmic sound, the point of contact with the "essential being."
It is clear that for Humanity that land of opportunity and connection to the totality is the most inhospitable and most enigmatic of the Earth, the south polar continent.
One purpose is the entire personality Integration to life and the spiritual aspects of humanity. It is the experience of the divine, the divinity that dwells in us, and the union with the immeasurable afterlife. In this process we open ourselves to the highest, deeper or larger force, the essence of dilated consciousness.
It works as an antenna, a receiver of divine energy that reaches us in the form of inspiration, guidance and protection. Puts us in touch with what is eternal, which does not die, the permanent part of the soul. The wisdom of every life is accumulated in this center and represents the full transcendence of what is earthly mundane, fleeting and transitory. It is one self and the universe consciousness at the same time. The crown chakra represents an
enlightened state of consciousness. As we move into the uncertainty of life with this chakra open and functioning properly, we see and experience the presence of divine guidance in all we do. It inspires us as we travel the path we have chosen.
Working on this chakra is to examine and expand our consciousness. We do this by increasing our information bank, exploring and moving through the world, learning and studying, examinating our belief systems, our internal programming, trying to eliminate the operating system "program errors" with meditation, etc. . In return for these tasks we gain clarity, sensitivity, intelligence, understanding, inspiration, peace, etc.
This is the reason why the last point of concentration is the continent, as is there where all the planetary transformation effort is directed: to the harmony of clarity and peace.
Its opens later in life, is one of the last centers experienced, once you've learned the spiritual nature of existence and you are able to cope with the responsibility to serve the world and the planet. If it’s activated turn too soon, it is possible that some other part of the energy system is not functioning properly and perhaps can experience temporary insanity, confusion and indecision. When developing on their own pace, the person is prepared to assimilate spiritual truths, lives free of ego and receptive to God’s will. People who follow a spiritual path and are not affiliated with a religion can open the chakra living their life according to their higher truths.
Its deficit causes constant fatigue, inability to make decisions and have no sense of belonging; disconnection and misunderstanding concerning ourselves, who we are or the reason for our existence in this life; stagnation in the old beliefs or ideas; narrow-mindedness. We could say that the fact that our stream of consciousness does not reach this point could lead us to feel a "freezing" of our paradigms.
Its excess causes psychotic or manic depressive attitudes, speculations that lead to isolation and dissociation. Confused, frustrated sexual expression, feeling that power has not been performed. Feelings of loneliness; stubbornness with the fixed idea of being more "pure" than others; spiritual or intellectual elitism.
The spiritual cruelty that could be defined as the act of denying someone their own experience of spirituality imposing a rigid belief system can be caused by both a deficit and excess energy of the 7th chakra.
The spiritual cruelty that could be defined as the act of denying someone their own experience of spirituality imposing a rigid belief system can be caused by both a deficit and excess energy of the 7th chakra.
The fact that a few may come to an understanding of its activation may lead them to have these symptoms. That’s why the goal is to do this together and not only a few ones.
When the chakra is balanced, spins at the right speed. The person expresses magnetism, "miracles" are achieved, transcendence and peace with the higher self .Reaching this, the continent is able to regenerate our reality to a very different future.
When the chakra is balanced, spins at the right speed. The person expresses magnetism, "miracles" are achieved, transcendence and peace with the higher self .Reaching this, the continent is able to regenerate our reality to a very different future.
“Vemos importante compartir la base de nuestro recorrido por este continente con las personas que nos acompañan desde sus hogares en el Harwitum, para que todas puedan saber dónde y cuándo depositar la energía. Recordemos que llevamos con nosotros las Llaves Towei Lumbar, en las cuales depositaremos toda la conciencia para activar estos sitios de poder y mantener nuestra conexión en cada lugar, esto lo comunicamos debido a que los 4 caminantes nos guiamos por la intuición en cada paso que damos, y no sabemos aún los sitios concretos que visitaremos, por esto mismo apelamos a la intuición de todos para que estemos conectados en red con la energía de cada territorio y desde ya sepan por dónde se irán activando los centros de poder y conciencia de la Tierra”
· Antártida Argentina – principios de diciembre
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