Name: Ajna. Meaning: wisdom, to dispose, to perceive
Element: light.
Main themes: visual perception, imagination, intuition, clairvoyance.
Purposes: ability to distinguish the guidelines, the "vision" Colour: indigo or violet.
Planet: Neptune.
Right: to see.
Stones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, sodalite, moonstone and garnet.
Animals: the owl and the butterfly.
Effective principle: images construction.
Archetypes: the hermit, the visionary, the dreamer.
Its name is Ajna. It governs the eyes and the forehead. Related to light, darkness, vision, dreams, visualization, clairvoyance, intuition, beauty, and pattern. Also known as the third eye, is the center of visual, extra sensorial and intuitive perception powers. The place where we store memories, dreams and we see where we imagine our future.
Related to intuitive and parapsychological powers what means to look beyond space and time, and perceive energy patterns as those of the chakras or the aura.
South American cultures have based their beliefs and civilizations in the principles of this chakra, as well as their lands were looked as prosperous and future extensive fields for mankind since ancient times.
South American cultures have based their beliefs and civilizations in the principles of this chakra, as well as their lands were looked as prosperous and future extensive fields for mankind since ancient times.
The guidelines related to the 6th chakra reveal the underlying order of things and the understanding of a current pattern may allow us to predict what should be the next piece of the puzzle. To see is to recognize, to identify what is already known, and this depends on the recognition of patterns. Most people, when they find a pattern, they pay attention until they can identify it. The depth of the look determines the amount of things that will be able to see, but you have to really look without preconceived patterns, absorb new details and open to the perception of new guidelines. And it takes practice to help us clear our mind of old patterns and
Past experiences are stored as patterns in our memory, which comes to consciousness as a projection of images stored on the screen of the 3rd eye. And with these images the emotions and feelings associated with them are lived again.
In this chakra, we can transcend the limitations imposed on us by the physical world and entered the realms of imagination. In this way we develop new ways to get information and awareness extends to deeper and broader levels of understanding, such as through meditation or dreams.
This power is given to this continent by its history of domination of external social world, so its people hold the power of the future through their dreams and the freedom of their spirit.
A deficit of energy in the Ajna causes a lack of sensibility, paying little attention to the finer details of the environment, needing to explain things in detail, more than once, unable to imagine new ideas; hallucinations, nightmares, insomnia, headaches.
A deficit of energy in the Ajna causes a lack of sensibility, paying little attention to the finer details of the environment, needing to explain things in detail, more than once, unable to imagine new ideas; hallucinations, nightmares, insomnia, headaches.
The repetitive history of South American countries that always fall in the same nightmare is a clear fact of the little tune that people have in terms of their land.
The difficulty of seeing beyond the awkwardness is a symptom of deficiency of the ability to visualize and make projects. Excess energy in the 6th chakra causes paranoid fantasies, nightmares, hallucinations, inability to find adequate responses to the intuitive material.
The difficulty of seeing beyond the awkwardness is a symptom of deficiency of the ability to visualize and make projects. Excess energy in the 6th chakra causes paranoid fantasies, nightmares, hallucinations, inability to find adequate responses to the intuitive material.
Estaremos esperando a los caminantes aquí en Sudamérica, conectando con el 6° chacra, y además el buen humor.