Having the four of us come together to Tenerife practically forced (after losing the plane that Gaby, Mati and I had reserved ....and co-incidentally we were reassigned to the plane in wich Maga was coming from Buenos Aires) ... the time had arrived to start what it would be for us and all of you, the practice of what the world is, summarized in 7 islands, which contain the 7 chakras that were waiting at the global level to align with and for all humanity.
The first step was to start with the "root", meaning clearly the base chakra. We feel the call of the island of El Hierro, representing this energetic frequency and all that it generates. So practically just arrived, and left leaving our luggage at the airport, we got off and took another plane heading to the island in response to that call.
Once there, only remained our hope that we would receive some indication from our multidimensional companions ... or as we have already done, let ourselves flow and see where the energy of the place would take us, where it would open its doors.
Neither dull nor lazy, we grabbed a map,we took a car, and as they say "the road is made by walking it" , so, faithful to this saying, the walkers came to this adventure ... We note that some advertisements particularly caught our attention with the leyend "Holy Tree" ... so we just followed them to see what was expecting for us on that road. We reached the place, and the manager told us the story and showed us the path, so we began our walk ...
The story said something like this: there was an old tree, the only of its kind on the island, which had a "sacred task" of being the only source of water here; yes, that's the story and the natives called this tree " Garoé "... The Great Garoé, (which incidentally no longer existed, having completed its cycle during a hurricane) when the trade winds came captured its water and passed it through its branches, becaming a spring, where the fresh water went down through its leaves keeping the inhabitants alive. Then these natives built at its feet a number of reservoirs, where water was deposited and, with the grace of this "holy tree" became sacred.
What a better place we could find than that one, where the roots were the ones that opened to us the door that we were expecting. There was no longer the Grand Elder, but in celebration of its existence they had planted a Linden ... that magically had all its branches and trunk covered with a finest moss that resembled a soft animal to touch. So steeped with the history and aware of our feelings ... we located ourselves around the beautiful Linden, ready to whatever would happen.
The stones with the information they carried, and the Linden with its wisdom ... gave us the perfect "climate" to connect with our base. To begin to feel the most earthly part of the planet and ourselves, the will made matter, the physical movement, the beggining and the concretion of humanity ... in other words, to feel Africa and align with it. This is what we experience and from that moment, not only was the stages completion of our own beings but also the day the planet with all the living beings was breathing in the strong energy of the "red". Since we arrived until we left the ground showed us its rearranging, shaking from the depths of itself. And with the certainty of having done our part, we went to tour the rest of the place impregnating ourselves with the essence of this first chakra. Knowing that all had began, the moment of action already was a result.
PRIMERAS IMPRESIONES: Desde la Isla Del Hierro las primeras impresiones de los Caminantes de HARWITUM compartimos las palabras de Maga y Matías.
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