This way the story begins...
We left Africa behind, and headed toward the beginning of the World, land of Regeneration. Maybe we thought we were going to regenerate the world ... and that was our mistake ... we did not realize that first we had to regenerate ourselves.
New Zealand represents the self-regeneration in its pure lands, the duality that is healed with the counterposition of a force with the other. And during the 7 days we spent through this territory, we all face, in some way, with ourselves.
The History
For many, New Zealand is the land of the Maori, a people through their culture has given the world an idea of strength and power through their tattoos and dance that became famous through the Rugby game, or otherwise more current, as the land where they filmed the trilogy of Lord of the Rings by JR Tolkien. However, when we were in this land, we heard many stories beyond the Maori.
We noticed in some people a bit of rejection on this information, but resonated too much within us. The story says that the Maori arrived no more than 700 years ago to this country, but long time before a tribe, the Waitaha, had been brought by a whale to the islands. They call themselves "the men who come from the whales", or "the trustees of Water". Their wisdom and knowledge of history is older than the other peoples of the two islands, and they recognize that, long ago, others had inhabited these islands ...
The legend shared by all Maori tribes is that of Father Sky Grandchildren that came to the Sea on a raft from South to look for the new wife of his grandfather, who is Mother Earth, but the raft was broken in the way, and great men were frozen to survive. Thus, Aoraki, the grandson of Heaven, became a great mountain, the highest, which connects Heaven and Earth: now known as Mount Cook. They also say that when they reach these lands, they saw no place where they could leave the rafts; then with a magic wand, he hit the earth and raised some mountains, creating the bay of Akaroa.
When we saw the mountain in the sea, we knew that mountain with a rose shape
was showing us another connection step between sea and land, the father and mother, woman and man, and that we will find there a seed of christic divinity.
We walked to the junction of the sea and the mountains, by a strange isthmus that is jutting out into the calm waters of the Akaroa Harbour, and after walking for some magical meadows that made us understand why they chose to film the Lord of the Rings in these lands,we got a big surprise. At the highest point where you could see the bay and mountains,there was a group of ancient stones placed in a sacred, ceremonial disposition. Meters before had a sign saying that this site was a small historic reserve called "Onawe Pa". We never thought we would find there an altar where we would be welcomed and talked about the history of the ancients.
Pequeña trnasmisión antes de adentrarnos a la Bahía
Mati remembered that from the south, Antarctica, is where some of the founders of the legendary Mu came from, and before reaching the Pacific and Indian Oceans, passed through New Zealand on their rafts, and that turned Aoraki into a connecting portal between the polarities of the Earth and Heaven, and is the symbol of the origin, the Koru, which joins the two poles in a spiral, crossed by the mountains of the South Island, aligned with Sirius, Orion and Pleiades, stars that later we would know that these cultures worshiped. Seeing this, we knew what was the sense that was carrying us to Monte Cook: open the door of reconnection in a dual spiral of integration between the celestial and telluric for regenerating the world's energy.
Placing the 2nd Key
Knowing this, we traveled from Akaroa to Mount Cook to place the second Towei Lumbar, which in this case would be the opening of Regeneration between polarities.
These were emotionally difficult days for Walkers team, as the forces of purity stirred what was dirty around our waistlines. The strength and power of the Sacral Chakra was emerging.
After two hours of hard walking up the mountain, we reached the foot of Aoraki, where we could see clearly a woman's face and body, the female again on our way watching our walk from the top. In front of the Hooker Glacier, when Diego took the key in his hand and introduced it to the cold waters and mountains, we witnessed how she claimed for the key, something that shaked to the four of us. A constant roar came from the mountain Aoraki, as a roar of ice, water and stones, similar to several bomb explosions that seemed to make the hill speak, and the strongest one, like a live shout from the mountain, when the key was delivered . Suddenly, everything returned to silence ... the second door was opening …
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