Wali, the axis of the World Gratitude
Wali, the axis of the World Gratitude
Months ago when we sat down to discuss the parts of the world we should visit, arriving at the Sacral chakra we thought that the place where we would step into the plexus was the island of Celebes.
We were sure that the energy of transition from one chakra to another runs through what I called in my books: the Nimo Passage.
This was a strait that 26 thousand years ago functioned as the unique waterway between the North Pacific and the Indian Ocean for the people of Mu and Lemuria. This channel goes from the north of the current Celebes Sulawesi island to the south of Bali. It was clear that Indonesia was the indicated country where to make the passage of this energy.
I remember that as a child I used to draw the islands of Indonesia in two different ways: a long spiral that began in Banda Aceh, in the north of Sumatra, ending in a spiral closed at the east of Celebes, which can even be seen in its geography; and the other way was a ladder that born from Australia and end up to Tibet.
Both were combined when Gaby showed us in Coon's book a striking information: the small island of Bali is the Earth center for rotation and regeneration of the energy, all the karma was processed there to be released.
We had no doubt then that it was necessary, after passing through the waters of the Sacral chakra, finish the world general purge where lies an engine such as that one.
Knowing Bali
The small island is not more than about 100 km long and about approximate 60 km
wide, however the roads are so complicated that the distances are very long.
Suarsidi, our 4 days' tour guide, told us during the several hours that demanded us to complete 40 km, many stories and truths about the island, all of which helped us to understand its purpose.
He began by saying that Bali is actually Wali, and that its meaning is "Offering". And we noticed it. The Balinese make offerings to the gods at least three times a day, everywhere. A fundamental fact that we noticed is that in Bali, there are more temples than houses, because each house has a temple ... and really a temple. Sometimes, temples are larger than houses, and everyone has one, usually pointing to Mount Agung, the most active volcano on the island, which represents the air element.
All the time, every hour, there are people, especially women, offering a beautiful delicacy, flowers, fruits, all in a small basket made of palm leaf, with incense, which are placed on altars in the form of small thrones where the "god" sits to enjoy the offering.
Suar told us that this is because over 90 percent of the population on the island belong to Hindu religión, but their culture already was this way. He said it was the only one island among 17 thousand in Indonesia which is entirely Hindu, what makes it special.
We thought about this fascinating "coincidence." Many centuries ago the Hindus brought to the islands their religion, and the kings of Java, the main island, were Hindus. But later, the Muslims took the island, establishing their religion on Java, creating a war that exiled the kings. They went to Bali, a place that was not relevant to Islam. So in 2000 km radius, Bali remained with the tradition from the island, but with a very different culture.
The Bali culture
We were very surprised that, besides they follow the Hinduism basis, they very much respect also some other traditions. On the island there are no castes, no poor, no rich; there are only honor lineages.
We were very surprised that, besides they follow the Hinduism basis, they very much respect also some other traditions. On the island there are no castes, no poor, no rich; there are only honor lineages.
They have at least three levels of society, for which there is no division based on economy or power, but by historical honor. For each level, there is a specific dialect to contact them. Suar explained that someone from the top level can also be a simple worker, because on the island, the level of what we would call surname (which does not exist in Bali) is set according to the acts of their predecessors. If your great-grandparents, or even more, if the lineage of his family were wise or were good with the community in their actions, they are more elevated inside and therefore, to that lineage, you should speak with respect. He told us that his boss, for example, has a lot of money but is from the Balinese middle-class and one of his employees is from a Balinese high-class, so when the boss talks to him, talks like to an older person using the correspondent dialect
This showed us that the island keeps a society organized according to the integrity and purity or wisdom of the person and not acording to the properties they have.
They greet everyone with a smile, and always take things in a rewarding way. Everyone helps everyone, they help eahother at home, at the temple, in the field... living a peaceful life despite not being from the first world, as one would expect.
They pray and give flowers and food, even to the demons, with a smile. They give gifts to the darkness by putting gifts at their houses doors so they do not come to bother, always with a gentle smile.
They say that good and evil are the same thing, and that they both exist to help one to the other to build the universe through the creation and destruction, which shows the image of the god Shiva.
Another thing curious is that, unlike most religions in the world, the thousands of Balinese people never pray to the gods to get things or asking for things,they always pray to thank, honor, by the mere feeling of happiness caused by gratitude.
The Recognition
The culture and tradition of the island showed us an imminent reality: without Bali and its people, the world would be an energy dumpsite. We realized that Bali clearly functions as the Axis of World Energy. I do not believe there is another place on earth where their thousands of inhabitants pray every day to thank, only and fully for thanking. They use to thank to the darkness, honor the death as a party, and they show full gratitude and offerings to the Triune God in every moment of the day. An island literally passed through water, by rain and rice, being the engine of the world gratitude. It was understandable at a glance that could be none other than "Offering" the name that this island deserved....
Bali is the planet's offering to be able to heal itself. The whole world should be grateful to this island that we all continue here.
This people since B.C. has been the one that honors, offers and thanks daily to the Totality: to the earth, to the elements, the animals, and to all the forms and essences of the universe. For thousands of years the island complies the Gratitude full role in the world: without them, probably the story would have been another.
The Passing through Bali
Gaby told us that in Coon's book there were 4 basic points for energy transmutation, which represented the four forces of nature: earth, air, water and fire. These sites are: Mount Agung; Batur Mount and Batur Volcano; the Batukau Mountain and the Uluwatu Ledges. Without hesitation, there we go.
Representing the air element, is the island most active volcano, revered by the inhabitants. At his feet the oldest temple of Bali was built, wich is known to foreigners as the Mother Temple, but its real name is Besakih, built in the VIII century A.C.
There we heard a song in the wind that cleaned us from inside and released old feelings and issues that were choked in our memory. We felt a slight release in the throat, driven by a soft song, sitting in front of the temples. There we witnessed one of the few temples that has 11 graded levels in its thatched roof. Suar told us that three leers are dedicated to the divine trinity, and 9, counting the bottom, representing the gods who rule the world. I remembered that when I was a little boy I knew about the 9 Beings that control the real world. Now I knew that another culture takes them into account. While we were recognizing this information, the clouds formed three levels, as the roofs of the temples, but pointing to the land near the volcano, which made me understand that the divinity was then accompanying us on earth ...
The wind said we should take the wind song to the Water so she can take care of its spreading, and so she did.
As soon we reached the temple that lies on the slope of the mountain, a dormant volcano, Diego and I parted to relax from the bustle of people coming to make their offerings, and to connect with the place. Without knowing or telling each other, we both seek a place with water, and we found them by chance. When we reunited, we discussed what experienced, and we both had done exactly the same.
He had found a river in the jungle, and there he put his feet in the water for cleaning. A butterfly landed on his shoulder, and he could sing to the water to connect with the vibration that we were awaking.
On my side, I found a square lake, with an altar in the center, which could only be reached by a strange submerged road that could be crossed only when the water is low. I sat on the steps, and while meditating, a group of small fish came to wipe my feet that I had put into the water. A butterfly surrounded me and I sang to the water to activate it and connect it with our way. That same day we carried the energy we had activated to the fire element.
The fire element was the second active volcano in Bali. A giant crater that inside has a volcano mouth and a crescent-shaped lake. The male and female energy gathered in the great crater, and, before arriving, we knew that the fifth key must be deposited there. At dusk we could get a raft to take us to the center of the lake. Batur in Bali
means stone, but in sayónico, its meaning is Flower of Light. This gave me a clear message that there was the right place.
Diego and I knew that was where the process of purging the ancestral energy of Kata Tjuta and Uluru will begin; for this reason we took the stones of the Australian Outback. We concentrate the energy we brought to this earth with us on the rocks, giving the intention to begin purging the records that stop the activation of the navel. So we threw the stones, from which arose an energy that quickly joined with Australia. And the Fifth Key was thrown into the water. The evening sky was cleared up after receiving the key, and a magical atmosphere was created around us.
Tirtha Empul
This site takes the place of the central star of the constellation. There should be the point where Coon says that the 4 forces intercross and regenerate in the planet's magnetic pass. The symbol of this rotational force is the Swastika. The swastika is a symbol that borns with humanity millennia ago. All cultures have one similar image, and represents nature forces rotating with the earth in a constant regeneration. Not coincidentally in Bali, the center of regeneration, is the only point in Indonesia where the Hindu swastika is still venerated, and just in the waters temple in Tirtha Empul, in every altar where waters are flowing, this symbol is recorded on stone. Many foreigners do not understand why the swastika is in these temples, because they don't know its true history.
We were now in the right place. Hundreds of people were in the waters of a spring that flows in a extraordinary way from the earth. All that huge gratitude, joy, devotion and willingness to devote the body in the water, helped us to boost the energy regeneration with a swastika that, emerging from our movements in the water and our songs, made mountains and volcanoes reunite in an sutil infinite that planted the seed of planetary regeneration.
Bali was a huge swastika of transmutation light, joining destruction and creation in only one being, guided by the Southern Cross in its geography, impulsing the planet with by the consecration of its lands and people . We need to recognize Bali to be activate it in ourselves and in the net.
The last day we visited the Temple called Tall Stone: Ulu-Watu.
This temple is in the south of Bali, and is guided by the god Rudra, who represents Love in Bali among other things. The site is held by the earth element, and is standing on high cliffs by the India Sea, looking west.
In this place was ending the Nimo Pass in the old times. Today is a point populated by monkeys thieves of brillant stuff, especially lenses, glasses ... but its energy is the anchor and opening of the input and output energies (just in that area is the only airport in Bali along with the ports).
We started to meditate there, and a vibration said: "this is where the elements come together."
We witnessed a unique sunset, facing the waves of the stormy sea, with a strong wind, surrounded by macaque monkeys in highlands protruding over the sea.
I felt I should send earth to the sea, but the winds made the stones fly as if they were magicaly levitating. There the elements were together. This way I could see the Mu white rafts transiting the Nimo Pass to Lemuria; I felt they were passing fluently and gratefully. When I commented this to Diego, he said he had felt that a new energy and an old one could begin to move again there, and that's what was being shown to us.
There will be no better way to say goodbye and to unite with Bali than begin to thank every day that we walk, instead of praying for the days to come ...
That is the greatest lesson that offers to us the island of regeneration.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ...
Makasih, makasih, makasih ...
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks ...
Danke, Danke, Danke ...
Merci, Merci, Merci ...
Spasiva, Spasiva, Spasiva ...
Grazie, Grazie, Grazie ...
Henshu, Henshu, Henshu ...
…, …, …
…, …
Fantástico relato!! Muchas gracias por compartir con tanto detalle y calidez vuestra experiencia.
ResponderEliminarSois una gran esperanza.
Besos desde Galicia
ResponderEliminarME quiero ir a vivir alli a Wali eso si que es VIVIR ¡!
Mi gratitud a vuestras vidas hermanos del alma los amo,
Gracias por caminar hoy, gracias por caminar juntos, gracias por tantos seres caminando en tantos puntos del planeta, gracias a los elementos, gracias a los reinos mineral, vegetal y animal, gracias por todo lo que es y por todo lo que todavia no percibo, gracias a las facilidades y también gracias a los obstàculos, gracias al movimiento y también a la quietud, gracias a lo sagrado y también a lo profano, gracias por la unidad que se manifiesta a través de la dualidad, gracias por el puntito de una i en el centro de una o. Gracias a todos los que sé y los que no sé por SER. Gracias!
ResponderEliminarGracias por compartir vuestra experiencia, y sentir y entender mejor la historia que estais relatando. Y también gracias a vuestros guias.
Quiero compartir algo que ustedes no han mencionado y me parece importante decir..En Bali la clave de la armonia es el equilibrio entre las fuerzas de la luz y de la oscuridad, pues ellos tienen templos para honrar la luz y templos para honrar la oscuridad. Equilibran estas fuerzas por el planeta entero por medio de la gratitud, las ofrendas y los rituales. A las fuerzas de la oscuridad les ofrecen carne de animal muerto y a las de la luz flores y frutas.
ResponderEliminarellos usan mucho una tela que se parece a un tablero de ajedrez que es de cuadrados blancos y negros para poner con sus ofrendas por que es un simbolo de el perfecto equilibrio entre las fuerzas de luz y oscuridad.
Ellos le dan ofrendas a los demonios para que los dejen vivir tranquilos y en paz. y a ambas fuerzas les dan igual importancia, eso es lo mas lindo... Gracias